Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lori Watras, Lori Starr, John Watras, Mel Starr are The S/Ws   The Starr/Watras s(plural)
LHP Mayor F.Schorr, LHP City Administrator J.Lavisky, LHP Chief Ross Licata, LHP City Atty. M.Cirullo
 SEVEN         11-12-11through12-19-11
Subject: Fw: Fw(#7): 11-25,29,29-111019 /12-2,3,5,6,6,,6.9,10,10,1213,14,14,15,16,17,1921,21,-23,23,23.24,26,11/
11-25,27,28-11stopping the S/Ws for new blog/
11-25-11/stopping the S/Ws/
How did law enforcement and the city get the S/Ws to stop the more overt harassment and stalking at the beginning of the tenth year just before Det. Hawkins was to receive his Keepers Days Award? This residency should have been told the more overt stalking and harassment was finally over.This residency should not have been left dangling. That 13 month finale of the the blasting, deliberate, repetitive cds was a definite and effective statement by the S/Ws that you will never use your backyard or house again,which Lori yelled the first year.The S/Ws threatened the entire tenth year to start up again and did get in some effective incidents. By then the wide audience emailing, started in the beginning of the ninth year, was regularly blogged, so there was somewhere to go for help. Stopping the S/Ws and their police and city protection was an overwhelming, life altering endeavor which never should have had to happen. More effort had to be put in stopping the spin that this was this residency's fault. It's not as if something this lengthy and big could be covered up forever. No residency would put up with any of this.This residency would probably have had very little to do with the inner workings of LHP, as most residents don't, if law enforcement and the city agencies hadn't been so adamant about pumping up and covering up the S/Ws and making it a point to continue, causing and helping to continue dumb trouble.Why were and still are the people who caused and continued this dumb mess more important than anyone else?
Again, how did law enforcement and the city get the S/Ws to stop the more overt harassment and stalking at the beginning of the tenth year just before Det.L.Hawkins was to receive his Keepers Days Award?
When will the Chief, Det./Ofc.LHawkins, Cmdr.M.Oh, the Mayor, Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca, and Commissioner S.Johnson answer these questions and all the questions? If an Attorney answers, it would be a very good idea not to lie any more.Utilizing legal methods on how to not have to reply is pretty obvious. Again,what happened? Thank you.  To be continued:
Insert Note: Lori wanted a music career.She knew how to make and mix tapes and cds and had the equipment from the beginning and had been doing it with her music.
It is hard narrowing it down to 'The Top Twenty Worst Episodes of the Decade Plus'.
Subject: Fw: 1-27-11/S/Ws' years of made harassment cds and tapes
It is hard narrowing it down to 'The Top Twenty Worst Episodes of the Decade Plus'
11-27-11/S/Ws' years of made harassment cds and tapes
If there was ever a city where the S/Ws had their bases covered with law enforcement and code enforcement, it's LHP,  for a decade plus.

The question is still why?
Made cds and tapes: The 13 month finale of the deliberate. made, repetitive, harassment cd technique, which was a Sett. Agree. violation, with Lori announcing the evidence would only be tapes of music, as opposed to all the years of tapes of the screaming at, threatening, taunting, banging, etc.,etc.,and the issue was in the Sett.Agree. for a good reason, as the S/Ws used them through the years along with everything else they did, just not exclusively as in the 13 month finale.
This was done from the beginning so they did not have to be outside to harass, but Lori did come out when she wanted to, to blast other things and threaten and taunt, along with the made cds.This included  months of the repetitive 'pingy' noise tapes and months of the bongo tapes.The bongo tapes were really bad as Lori would scream at, threaten, and taunt on them and then come out to scream at, threaten, and taunt along with them while they were playing. 
Note: Lori and John managed to get two, not one, firetruck/ police/Hawkins visits in the same day after one of the worst bongo screaming episodes only stopped by a thunder storm.It was written up as one visit.-cat not found in tree. (?)
Lori also made tapes where she would 'talk' to this residency, basically taunt, set to music, and these played for hours.- Insert dates of all, website audio-.This made tape method went on along with them in person harassing and stalking, while trespassing, -the screaming at, threatening, taunting,banging, etc.,etc., along with their routine family fights.This also went along with the hours of regular blasting and the blasting of the radio stations on static. 
The S/Ws were really brazen and they certainly had the backup in LHP 
The the question still is, why was this allowed to go on for years? 
Who and what gave law enforcement and code enforcement the right to keep backing, clearing, and protecting  the S/W? 
At the beginning, Det.L.Hawkins was both law enforcement and code enforcement. Det. Hawkins got a lot of PR back then there was a write up in the Deerfield Observer when he stopped code enforcement-so he could focus on other issues.-(?) 
Det.L.Hawkins and Sgt.C.Oh received joint 'Officers of the Year Awards' for helping to set up C.O.P.S. during one of the worst years when the S/Ws were really regularly raging. If anyone knew what the S/Ws were doing, it was the Ohs who knew about the S/Ws years before the S/Ws targeted this residency, and Det.L.Hawkins who was notified at the beginning of the targeted harassment and stalking.
Again,who and what gave law enforcement and code enforcement the right to keep backing, clearing, and protecting  the S/W? 
Why are the S/Ws and the Officers who initially caused this mess with bizarre police policies more important than a residency trying to stop it?
What is the point still now of the spins, vilifying, blaming, lying about. and slandering this residency?No one would put up with any of this and would not be complaining.
These are questions that have never been answered along with the newer ones, as what happened at the beginning of the tenth year when Det.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award,with the parade ending up in front of this residency and with planned activities in the park across the street? How did the overt harassment and stalking stop then? To be continued:
The reason this was so expensive and time consuming to try to stop was because the police were so adamant and belligerent about continuing it.
11-25-11/screaming Lori mad/Approx.11:30 A.M.-and continuing- Long lengthy screaming and arguing, audible into this backyard .Lori, Mr.Starr in main house.Lori same thing.She wants to move,she hates it here, her life is a living hell here, she deserves better, Mr.Starr better get on the phone and threaten to sue someone-bank, realtor? This was inside the main house, nothing outside, and nothing directly at this residency,although she is making references about this residency again, but it is not the main gist.It seems that Mr.Starr knows they really can't move anywhere and get what they got and get here, and he seems reluctant to really  move.
It's still unnerving to hear this after all the past decade episodes.The mindset is still bad. 
11-28-11.The above situation continues as a constant. At least in the past few weeks there's been less strutting around outside with that belligerent antagonistic bravado making comments.It doesn't seem as if that entire situation can now be fixed, just controlled. They would if they could, and will if they can. 
Again, what happened in the beginning of the tenth year to stop the overt harassment and stalking? No residency should have been left dangling.
It was really dumb to think a residency would put up with all the episodes, put up with the expense and time to try to stop it, and put up with being blamed, without complaining.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Subject: Fw: 11-29-11/trespassing while harassing and stalking
11-29-11/trespassing while harassing and stalking/  It's hard narrowing it down to 'The Top Twenty Worst Episodes of the Decade Plus'. Trespassing was a chronic major issue and problem, between the two garages and north out to N.E 35 Ct. along this residency's driveway.There are so many trespassing episodes, with the harassing and stalking, it would take pages and pages to list them all, which can be done.Trespassing may be listed as an 'episode problem' until that is done.
Alone, the S/Ws would just  have been and be chronic, intolerable, evil, plotting, annoying pests, and an easy problem to stop. However, combined with their police help, protection, and backup, this became a horrifying, completely intolerable, life altering, decade problem with no way out, until the wide audience emailing.
11-29-11/trespassing while harassing and stalking/  Near the end of the ninth year of all this, when the Chief wrote that bad  letter and made that bad visit, insert dates, Lori actually stood outside with him on their side near the north end of that interior mesh fence between the garages, put up to keep them out, one they couldn't bang on, and emphatically and loudly, audible into this backyard, told him they had never trespassed past that mesh fence. -(?) and that was good enough, as through the decade plus, what the S/Ws 'said' and 'thought' was more important than what was really happening. That was unbelievable to hear and worse to know that that would be the defining statement on the whole trespassing issue after all the intolerable episodes of them trespassing while harassing and stalking through all the years and after all the complaints and attempts to try to get them to stop.
It was unbelievable that they could get away with that statement after all their patrol car visits to stop that mesh fence from going up between the garages to keep them out,- their complaints being that with the fence up that they didn't have enough room to get  in and out of their backyard, they put down their 'walking stones' there to use and the fence blocked that, no one should or could be stopped from getting in and out of their backyard, they would have to cut down their bushes up against their garage to have enough room to get in and out of their backyard, there wasn't enough room to keep their garbage cans there or get them in and out any more, etc.etc. 
Yet, after all that, that statement was still made to the Chief and accepted. 
The mesh fence issue between the garages: They basically had wanted the property back between the garages that they had just taken and used as theirs, where they were extremely abusive for years and years with their harassing and stalking, and they were used to getting what they wanted and called for their patrol cars.The mesh fence between the garages stayed up anyway and is still there. 
From the beginning, the trespassing and harassing and stalking was really bad between the garages, which affected this backyard patio, and out north to N.E.35 Ct., where this residency's driveway was a big, accessible, easy target against us and anyone who dared to pull in. 
Already explained: The S/Ws have very little property on the west side of their driveway and on the  west interior garage side of their residency. Interior west garage side of the S/Ws' residency: There was a gate from their backyard  opening to there from the previous owner to get to the pool pump and the A.C.unit on that side of the house up to the garage. When the S/Ws moved in,they started using the interior property between the garages as theirs to enter and exit back and forth from their their driveway to their backyard where Lori and John's separate unit is.They didn't use the east side to do that. That was ok from a good neighbor helpful point of view, but they were too abusive with it continuing their lengthy, routine, loud, screaming, family fights there going in and out. By Nov.99, this had really escalated as routine and was intolerable by anyone's standards.Then the targeted harassment and stalking started and was done there and out to N.E.35 Ct. along this residency's driveway, targeted at us and anyone who dared to come here. A lot of those episodes were really vicious.This was along with everything else that was going on and with every thing else that they were doing.
To be continued: List episodes. Lenghty. Between the garages and out to N.E.35 Ct. along this residency's driveway Note: The latest survey, done for a pending sale, confirms this residency's survey. The SWs tried to say this residency's survey was wrong ,even trying to dispute inches.
The point is, they shouldn't have been harassing, stalking, and trespassing for years and years, anyway.
Why are the S/Ws and the Officers who started and continued this mess the most important people to the City? Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Subject:12-2,3,5,6-11/reimbursement,damages/answers/'their way'children/episodes
Subject: Fw: 12-2,3,5,6-11/reimbursement,damages/answers/'their way'children/episodes

12-2-11/answers/decade plus/Schorr
Mayor F.Schorr,This residency is still not the least bit happy about all the expense and time put into stopping this mess. Anyone still defending this situation obviously wouldn't be if it happened to them.
There are still the unanswered questions which won't be satisfied by all the fluttering around trying to use methods to not have to answer, which ultimately just extends the lack of credibility to to the civil arena. Thank you.
12-3-11/reimbursement,damages/ What are the discussions that reimbursement and/or damages have to be done through the proper legal channels?
What exactly were the proper legal channels that forced this residency to spend over $30,000.00 to try to stop the S/Ws and their police protection? That needs to be explained.
Again, exactly what were the legal channels for a residency having to spend that much expense and time?Again, please explain the channels that were used to force this.Thank you.
12-5-11/'their way'/ The juvenile belligerency of the inner workings of the City haven't gone unnoticed particularly with the 'proper channel' demand regarding investigating and/or rectifying this mess.
'Proper channels' means 'their way'.
'Their way' cost this residency over $30,000.00 and years and years of time.
'Their way' means a residency was forced to do all this.
'Their way 'means the S/Ws and the initial Officers who caused and continued all this get all the help and attention.
'Their way' means investigations are biased and agenda based.
It isn't as if all this isn't noticeable.'Their way' means, so what if it is noticeable?
'Their way' means exactly that. For now.
Someone needs to remind the inner workings of LHP that LHP is not a separate country with no expected affiliations to normal behavior.Thank you.
12-6-11/children/The question has not been answered as to why the harassing, stalking, trespassing, screaming at, threatening, taunting, blasting, etc.etc.were not stopped when involving children/when children were present. Just because at the very beginning, the Officers, Det.Hawkins, etc., decided it was ok, did not make it correct policy.
Why were these initial Officers allowed to make up such bad policies, for that and every part of this? 
The situation involving children went on as a standard for over nine years until there just weren't any here.Throughout the decade, company with children had to be warned and stopped from coming here.The S/Ws were very determined. It was quickly shown even into the ninth year,when there was an attempt to have children here, what would happen.This was also a taunting situation as it made adults mad and there was the ever present attempt to get anyone here in an argument so the S/Ws could claim it was a two party situation. Adults had to be constantly told to never say or do anything back.The S/Ws had the cops.
Why were the S/Ws allowed and protected  to do that and everything else for so long? It's not as if these and all the other questions just go away.
Narrowing it down to 'The top Twenty Worst Episodes of the Decade' should included 'The Children Episodes' and
'The Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias. Policy Episodes'. Those policies, from the beginning, used and continued, were real shockers. Kind of like police work outsourced to another continent.
Also included should be the 'The 'Blaming This Residency Episodes'. That to be expounded on.To be continued:
note: Having had surgery last week,it was easier when returning home,to just hear Lori  screaming in their main residency instead of the rest, the standard for years.What a difference wide audience emailing makes. Future emails will be a little more cohesive and to the point than these last four. It's important to do that when dealing with law enforcement and a City, recovering from surgery or not. Surgery brings this awful decade to the forefront, kind of like a bad chain of thought that need to be worked on to stop.This has happened before with past surgery.So when things are stressed,the medical staff is given the website. More surgery is needed. By that time 'the LHP affliction' just might make it into a medical journal.- 'Adults Behaving Badly'.- Not really a joke. Anyone still relentlessly defending this decade needs a human being transplant.The whole way this mess was/is  handled was/is beyond incredibly dumb. There is also a lot of principle involved. People should not behave this way just because they have the power to do so. Thank you.
Note; Please be reminded, at the very beginning years, of the first out patient surgery,when the request had to be made to Det. Hawkins, giving the date and time, that the S/Ws not send their patrol cars over here right after surgery while recuperating, on whatever they wanted to complain about. At that time,company was screamed out of the this driveway and this yard, along with the threats, taunts, banging, blasting, etc., -harassing and stalking while trespassing, -as accepted routine, as well as along with the calling for patrol cars for the S/Ws to say they were harassed just because someone was here, so I decided to stay home alone and not have anyone here to try to put up with it. Det.Hawkins did call after I had been been back home alone for some time and said the S/Ws would not be sending patrol cars over that day.There should also be an episode catagory for what do you do when you need assistance at your residency and the S/Ws don't want anyone on this property. Nice memories. Nice police workAgain, anyone still relentlessly defending the past decade needs.........
Hopefully there will be a time when write ups are no longer necessary.However, as long as the inner workings of LHP demand that the decade plus of 'Cops For Starrs' be defended and this residency slandered, it remains necessary.It is particularly irksome that it appears that the inner workings of LHP just don't want to hear anyone complaining about them, that the problem would be over if the complaining were stopped.This doesn't take the place of solving the problem. This self indulgent inefficiency seems to predominate.
The S/Ws and the initial Officers who made these policies remain the most important people to the inner workings of LHP. Kind of like being done in by the lowest common denominator of human behavior. Really done in. Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Note: Edit: Insert: From the beginning of the S/Ws' targeted behavior, the harassing, stalking, and trespassing along this driveway on the north side of this residency was vicious and relentless.It could be argued that what is the difference between the S/Ws' screaming at,threatening and taunting everyone from their front yard or trespassing on this property? However, the S/W/s made it a point from the beginning, that they could and would come over here to do it and couldn't be stopped.When I tried to plant trees along the this driveway which are now huge, Mr.Starr came over and actually taunted me while leaning on this garage.I just went in the house without saying anything.When I tried to water the trees, Lori came out and took a defiant stance between them, folding her arms and just standing there and not moving.So I stopped watering and went inside as, if she got one drop of water on her or I said anything, she could call her police.These were long with the routine harassment, stalking, and trespassing there with far worse incidents. Mentioning them should not trivialize the big picture. At this early time,there were a lot of complaints from a lot of people.The screaming, banging, blasting, family fights,etc,.etc. were really bad. The police routinely excused the S/Ws and blamed this residency, which was very scary,to everyone. There was no logical place to complain to for help.- Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias.policies.- There is a fence on this property with a gate to this backyard extending on a diagonal from the back of this garage to the interior backyard fence. Lori really worked on that gate late one night trying to get the rusted lock open.The next day she was yelling that someone from this residency was trespassing on their property because that gate was unlatched. She didn't realize that the gate was also tied with wire which she didn't get at. During one of the worst episodes, she smashed that gate and screamed at and threatened me while I was in the house.The police came and blamed this residency.A lot of this has already been explained and blogged, especially the time consuming ramifications from the last stated incident,but it goes no where in LHP.
At the beginning, after months and months of the intolerable screaming, banging, blasting, family fights,etc., there was one disorderly, $50 fine, no contest, as the police really had no option,as too many people complained. The S/Ws were furious and really upped the antics. And they really came after this residency in retaliation and in general as they already had been. There was no further help from the police. It went back to, the S/Ws were excused and this residency got blamed. Those were really bad,vicious years.Taken out of context, the above described incidents really are trivial compared to the big picture with the routine harassment, trespassing and stalking along that driveway, and along with everything else going on,but the trespassing issue has been really insulting throughout the decade.It is still really insulting that anyone from the inner workings of LHP can still make insipid callous statements about this and all of this to protect the S/Ws and the initial Officers who made the policies, the most important people to the inner workings of LHP. See tapes.-audio website.
12-6-11/agenda based discussions
Mayor F.Schorr, Please be reminded, this residency is still not the least bit leased with the expense and time put into this,or any part of it. 
No residency would be.
Over $30,000.00 and all that work is not acceptable by anyone's standards.
This residency put up with it all, went to Court to try to stop it, and paid to try to stop it.
What is the point of 'discussing' this with people who did none of the above? 
Since when are the 'opinions' of certain people in LHP more important than the issues?
Actually, what is the point of the mayoral capacity 'discussing' this and the ramifications, anyway?
It's the same agenda based circle. It doesn't solve anything
And please be reminded, vilifying, blaming, lying about,and slandering this residency won't work.No residency would put up with that either.
And again, the lowest common denominator of human behavior caused and continued this mess and shouldn't be the prevailing pattern regarding it.
Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
12-6-11/another S/W surveyor/ Another surveyor group showed up at the S/Ws'. Approx. 2:P.M.They were audible and noticeable, as they yelled instructions back and forth and went across the north side of this property out to N.E.28 Ave. While they were out along  N.E.35 Ct., an unmarked vehicle and a patrol car went by,the unmarked vehicle stopping to ask them what was going on
I didn't talk to the surveyors about any results. At this point, there really isn't any point in inquiring. The S/Ws already caused as much trouble and got in as much mileage with the police protected trespassing and harassing/ stalking episodes as they are going to get.Wide audience emailing-started ninth year.Standing along this driveway and screaming us and anyone else out of it and standing there threatening and taunting us and anyone else as routine for years should have been demonstrative enough.
That one episode, when Lori, Mark, and Mr.Starr were along this driveway yelling at, threatening,  lying about, and taunting Andy when he came home from work, and John was trespassing with a video camera to try to get a response from Andy that they could use somewhere(?), while they were doing it, was really a bad episode of this. So, the S/Ws called for their patrol cars and this residency got no help. Typical. Already blogged. Insert email date.The S/Ws were trying to get some evidence for court.They had been loudly complaining and discussing how they didn't have any.They were/are really brazen.
The City and law enforcement view on the trespassing/property line issue was convenient for the S/Ws and them -It was the S/Ws' property when they wanted to stand there and harass and stalk, which they shouldn't have been doing there or anywhere for years with police protection,   and it was this residency's property when it was time to pay to have the tree removed by that City order,which this residency did pay.-
This residency has really been treated unfairly.That is an understatement.
Who was in control of all this? Who is in control of it now?
The three and a half years stuck talking to the Chief while he cleared and covered everything after the first really horrific five and a half years were,as stated, more than exasperating. He became the S/Ws' major advocate.
When a residency complains that there is harassing, stalking, and trespassing, something should be done, not helped to continue and covered up.What exactly was the point in continuing it in all those decade years?
What is the Chief's point now,to just continue the same scenario and make sure this residency is left dangling? 
There is something very very unsettling about exhibiting confidence to do there things indefinitely by all. None of this should have happened.
Again,this residency has really been treated unfairly.
The S/Ws have been cleared to just start up again,here or anywhere.The reinforced mindset is bad.The website,blog and newer blog will have to be up for a long time for protection, referral, and to stop the misinformation and lying.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Subject: Fw: 12-9-11/ surveyor chief
12- 9-11/Was the Chief in the unmarked vehicle that pulled in with a tailing patrol car and asked the surveyors what they were doing.12-6-11? The S/Ws' residency has been up for sale, the surveyors' vehicle was visible with a sign on it giving their name and number, the surveyors had the proper tripod transit equipment, then set up on 35 Ct.,with both of them out there. What was the necessity in pulling in to even ask them what they were doing? This also baffled the surveyors which they discussed loudly.
The most recent emails had been the complaining that the S/Ws were allowed to trespass while harassing and stalking from the beginning and there as no way to keep them out with that kind of backup. Some of the episodes have already been blogged and it was pretty much implied that eventually all would be.The situation that, at almost at the end of the ninth year of all this with all the incidents, Lori could just emphatically and loudly, audible into this backyard, tell the Chief that they had not trespassed, was really shocking and disturbing, but probably should have been expected and expected that it would be accepted. This residency always had a proper survey. It has already been explained and blogged that a fence was not put up between the garages and out to 35 Ct. The interior backyard fence was already being routinely smashed along with the screaming at, threats, taunts etc.,etc.You have no idea what that sounds like from this side as that fence ran only eight feet off this pool.There was no point in giving them something else to bang on.That went on for over five and a half years until  that interior backyard fence came down. 
After the Sett.Agree./Injunction which should have stopped the trespassing along with everything else, the determined S/Ws continued  trespassing between the garages and out to 35 Ct. with the threats, yelling at, deliberate loud yelling,and 'yell talking', taunts, etc., but at a lesser pace, but you still didn't know when it would happen and it was still intolerable and jarring.The S/Ws always gloated and taunted they could and would do what they wanted and they certainly had the backup, evident by many episodes including this.I was in this driveway John kept walking back and forth there, trespassing waving at me, probably just to taunt that they still could. Lori would come out with him when they did this..You can never respond in any way to anything the S/Ws do as they will just call for their patrol cars and get them.I didn't say anything as from the beginning, nothing could be said to the S/Ws no matter what they were doing, but there was enough time while he was going back and forth and waving to go into the house and get the camera. Bad mistake.There are two of those bad mistakes,one years later.You can't slip up, act on impulse and do anything the S/Ws don't like.
So, Lori and John called for their patrol cars and got two, saying that I was harassing them with a camera. I did say that there was a Sett.Agree to stop them from trespassing which they were still violating, but that went nowhere as the Circuit Court Document to stop all this was disragarded by the City.Then there was the big problem of worrying about the S/Ws getting a police report that they had been harassed  and taking that report somewhere else to cause trouble.That was a standard method of the S/Ws, unnerving because the police were always way to user friendly to the S/Ws which is understatement to say the least. There had already been a long concerted effort complaining about this method and trying to stop more trouble because if it.  Note: There have already been many emails, insert dates, describing the numerous and lengthy times the S/Ws actually did outrageously trespass, harass, and stalk with their cameras and video equipment, but the S/Ws could and did do what they wanted..
So finally, a mesh fence was put between the garages resulting in a minimum of four patrol  cars visits called by the S/Ws as they didn't want it there.One of their complaints was that they would have to cut down the all the bushes up along their garage to have enough room to get in and out of their backyard now and stay on their side of that fence. Their bushes did come right up to that fence. Apparently through all the years,when the S/Ws did all their harassing and stalking there, they were actually always walking and standing  in the five feet of bushes and shrubs there. The fence stayed and the bushes came down.This has l already been explained but it goes nowhere as in LHP the S/Ws had the cops.Period.
Anyway, did the Chief pull in to ask the surveyors what they were doing? 
This residency always had a proper survey although during that mesh fence issue, this residency was told to get another one.The first survey recently done regarding the S/Ws' potential sale confirms the border.This 'survey thing' regarding the S/Ws trespassing was just a dumb way to excuse the S/Ws.The bottom line was, the S/Ws did what they wanted and law enforcement helped, covered, and cleared them, and is still trying to. Exactly who thought a residency would never complain?
When will the basic questions about what happened in the decade plus and what stopped the more overt harassing and stalking at the beginning of the tenth year just before Det.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award, be taken care of?  It seems as if the law enforcement nd the City don'r want to deal with any blame, which is impossible, as to how could the S/Ws do all this without constant, continual backup?
And again, vilifying, blaming,  lying about, and slandering this residency to try to cover for all the dumb things done won't work This residency has already put up with enough. Thank you.
12-10-11/perfume dousing/S/Ws 
Approx.12:15P.M.  Strong perfume dousing again noticeable into this sitting room porch.This backyard is very bad. When I went out to look, there was a messy group of   branches cut and thrown to this side along  this interior fence. I did throw one branch back -a very gutsy move- as you never ever do anything back to the S/Ws. John came out to bang some more stuff around  in his backyard looking really defiant and mad while I was out by this interior fence. The perfume dousing is too strong to sit in the backyard. Bad mindset. And not trivial with regard to the big picture.
Edit/send  12-10 -11/disregarding episodes/ 
Narrowing it down to' The Top Twenty Worst Episodes of the Decade'
The disregarded Sett.Agree./Injunction episodes are right up there.Why was this Circuit Court Document just disregarded by the City? It just got more and more shocking every time it was.From the time it was instated, it was explained and explained after every continuing incident, which it was supposed to stop.The backlash against complaining about the S/Ws from the beginning was too strong, let alone the backlash against just trying to stop them. Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias. policies.You can imagine the backlash against finally complaining about their law enforcement backup. After it was instated, that mood remained. The higher ups had not and were not telling the basic patrolmen the truth, which was easy as there was always someone new to misinform and lie about this mess.
Finally,in the ninth year of all. this after more bad episodes, at least twenty five packets were mailed out by this residency with the Sett.Agree.and other Circuit court Documents, most of those to the patrolmen  and Officers, through the police station,so there wouldn't be any more lying and misinformation about all this.It cannot be said that all those packets were not received.The wide audience emailing had already been started at the beginning of the ninth year
This is a lot of work for any residency for a problem that never should have happened in the first place.The three and a half years stuck talking to the Chief, after the horrific first five and a half years, were exasperating to say the least.These packets were mailed out during that time.They were also mailed out to Code Enforcement and to the LHP Commissioners. Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca, then a LHP Commissioner was on that list. He cannot say he did not get it or know about it.One logical LHP Commissioner really tried to work through the maze of all this, but the problem was too big. 
There was no other way but to go through the Circuit Court system to stop the S/Ws' as their protection was too intense in LHP.The whole thing should have been stopped in a maximum of the first six months and it definitely should have been stopped with a Circuit Court Document after the first six years.Why was that Document disregarded and stiffled over and over?
Subject: 12-12-11/S/Ws' and all methods
12-12-11/S/Ws' and all methods/   The S/Ws' numerous harassment techniques were full circle.The routine targeted harassment, stalking, trespassing, -screaming at, threatening, banging, blasting, taunting, screech singing, spraying, etc.,etc., were intolerable enough by anyone's standards. Even if you stayed inside, didn't have company, tried not to be seen, while putting up with all this, then they could still get at you by sending their patrol cars over on whatever they wanted to complain about. So, you couldn't escape them. They were going to disrupt and be paid  attention to and made it known it was the point. This,while gloating they were going to sue us with their police reports which they were always trying to get to use elsewhere.
A modern horror story, a really bad modern horror story.
There was no way to stop any of this through the normal avenues.Younger, newer officers were continually misinformed and lied to and sent out by the initial officers that made and continues this mess. Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias. policies. Those patrol cars visits were really awful and complained about, as there was no way to stop them, as you never knew when and what the S/Ws would call in about. It was really insulting to be told, as explanation/excuse for this, after the first horrific five and a half years of  this, that the police had to send out patrol cars on every call because the City could be sued if something happened and they weren't there. (?)  The City obviously wasn't worried about being sued for a residency calling in and complaining about a residency being harassed and stalked as routine for years and years with no help, even with a pending Circuit Court Case. The S/Ws really couldn't sue for not getting all their call in whims, such as they were being looked at,etc. The City just nullified that whole concept anyway by arguing that the City was not responsible for the negligent acts of government workers, when a complaint was made through proper legal attorney channels to the Mayor and then Commissioner President about the overall problem and the problem with law enforcement, eight months after the Sett.Agree./Injunction was instated.
The S/Ws certainly had their bass covered by pulling all their antics in LHP. 
The initial officers who made and continued this mess certainly had their bases covered by being employed  in LHP.
And, the City probably thought it  had all  its bases covered by simply spouting off dumb replies and just letting the while mess continue.
After all, who would complain?
Edit/send  12-10 -11/disregarding episodes/ 
Narrowing it down to' The Top Twenty Worst Episodes of the Decade'
The disregarded Sett.Agree./Injunction episodes are right up there.Why was this Circuit Court Document just disregarded by the City? It just got more and more shocking every time it was.From the time it was instated, it was explained and explained after every continuing incident, which it was supposed to stop.The backlash against complaining about the S/Ws from the beginning was too strong, let alone the backlash against just trying to stop them. Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias. policies.You can imagine the backlash against finally complaining about their law enforcement backup. After it was instated, that mood remained. The higher ups had not and were not telling the basic patrolmen the truth, which was easy as there was always someone new to misinform and lie about this mess.
Finally,in the ninth year of all. this after more bad episodes, at least twenty five packets were mailed out by this residency with the Sett.Agree.and other Circuit court Documents, most of those to the patrolmen  and Officers, through the police station,so there wouldn't be any more lying and misinformation about all this.It cannot be said that all those packets were not received.The wide audience emailing had already been started at the beginning of the ninth year
This is a lot of work for any residency for a problem that never should have happened in the first place.The three and a half years stuck talking to the Chief, after the horrific first five and a half years, were exasperating to say the least.These packets were mailed out during that time.They were also mailed out to Code Enforcement and to the LHP Commissioners. Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca, then a LHP Commissioner was on that list. He cannot say he did not get it or know about it.One logical LHP Commissioner really tried to work through the maze of all this, but the problem was too big. 
There was no other way but to go through the Circuit Court system to stop the S/Ws' as their protection was too intense in LHP. The whole thing should have been stopped in a maximum of the first six months and it definitely should have been stopped with a Circuit Court Document after the first six years.Why was that Document disregarded and stiffeled over and over?
Subject: Fw: 12-13-11/S/Wsleaving/law enfor. and City attitude
12-13-11/S/Ws leaving/ law enfor. and City attitude
It appears some or all of the S/Ws may be leaving.
That would alleviate the problem of worrying about them starting up again LHP with their law enfor. and City protection, as this residency was left dangling, unethical to say the least, but the point was made- you don't complain about anything in LHP. There always was the leverage factor that the S/Ws could be kept loose for daring to complain.
This leaves the big, time consuming, expensive  mess made by law enforcement. and the City
And again, vilifying. blaming, lying about, and slandering this residency to try to excuse the mess law enfor. and the City made and continued, won't work.
It remains to be seen how heavy handed law enfor. and the City will be now.
This residency has always been treated unfairly, unethically, and illegally.
And this residency did dare to complain.
How law enfor. and the City behave, especially with the retaliation factor, without the hinderance of the S/Ws actually present in LHP with that non excusable mindset, remains to be seen.
It doesn't seem as if  law enfor. and the City will be ethical as they are really mad about the complaining.
There is cause for concern as to how this residency will be treated.
Thank you.To be continued:
Subject: 12-14-11./LaMarca/Licata/Kruteks
Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca:
LHP is in your District and is your Home City where you were a LHP Commissioner.
What did the Chief do regarding the S/W decade situation in LHP?
How did the more overt harassment and stalking stop at the beginning of the tenth year just before Det./Officer L.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award?
Why was this residency left dangling?
It is not fair that the Kruteks, decade plus witnesses, know more about what happened as they socialize and vacation regularly with the Mayor, his wife, and LHP Commissioner S.Johnson.
LHP Commissioner S.Johnson made it very clear this socializing would be made public.
The Kruteks are not more important than this residency or any residency.
This residency spent over $30,000.00, went through the Circuit Court system, and spent a lot of time, all while putting up with the whole thing.What happened?
Aren't  law enforcement and a City supposed to be transparent and ethical?
Why do only the inner workings of LHP and their 'friends' know what happened?
Is this any way to run a City? A very small City. It is not an overwhelming work burden to explain what happened.Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain.
This situation remains unresolved. 
12-14-11/lying and spins/deliberate
If there's any complaining about the wide audience emailing.............please be reminded, the wide audience emailing was not started until the beginning of the ninth year.
By this time, this residency had spent over $30,000.00, gone through the Circuit Court system, the instated Sett.Agree./Injunction had been disregarded, the Chief was protecting the S/Ws, and the City was protecting the police, and at any time if anyone inquired about the situation, they were misinformed and lied to. This residency was still putting up with the problem and could still not be used normally. The S/Ws had routinely blasted that deliberate, intolerable, repetitive cd technique throughout the entire previous Holiday season and were still using it extensively and gloating they couldn't be stopped.The City had used the lien process and fined this residency over the interior fence issue,when no other residency would have put a fence back up after listening to it being smashed for over five and a half year. Note -the website had been put up but was not completed-only five and a half years of audio and the first one and a half years written up.The  blog with the emails not put up until the beginning of the tenth year.-
Again,there was no other alternative.There was no end in sight.Wide audience emailing was the only way.
Throughout the decade, there has been a very big insulting problem and it still continues, maybe less now due to the wide audience emailing.
This spin/description- of two, impossible to deal,with, out of it ,wacky families always arguing over something stupid, and Golly Gee, the police really had a hard time and their hands full trying to deal with it, was really bottom line insulting. At any time during the decade,you could call anywhere in this City and that description would be given by someone. 
Who concocted that spin?
From the beginning this residency did everything it could to stop a very obvious problem,one any residency would complain about and expect to be stopped. However, from the beginning, the initial Officers made up those inexplicable police policies to protect and continue the problem, very bizarre police work to be the most complimentary. There was no way to stop the problem when the S/Ws had the cops.
Now that spin/description- it could be said, ok, consider the source and ignore it. However it couldn't be ignored because at any time the City could send in newer officers who were not told the truth. As soon as they pulled in, you knew what you were up against.
That spin was fundamental in continuing the problem with no end in sight.
Initially it may have been spun to cover for the bad police work. However no one one corrected the bad police work or the problem which just continued and continued on a very bad roll. The initial officers who made this mess were very determined, juvenile and and and belligerent. It didn't seem important to them that this had gotten on such a large bad roll involving a lot of people.They thought they could still cover it up.Then, they just wanted to protect themselves and still do.
Gossip is gossip. However this spin permeated every part of the problem and the problem was already big and bad enough without it.
There is no residency anywhere that would not be insulted about that spin and complaining about it.
It is probably still being used somewhere in this City. Just call in any part of the City and asked what happened.
This residency has already asked, over a year ago,what exactly are the City and law enforcement saying this residency did wrong in the past decade?
It has already been emphatically stated over and over that,...... vilifying ,blaming, lying about, and slandering this residency will not work to cover up the mess made out of this and to protect the people who made it.
This residency has already put up with enough.
Thank you.
Note:It could be stated with little argument, that with a factual investigation, that spin actually describes the S/Ws, their police, and the City that protected all parties.That is probably already the opinion of many outside of LHP. Besides wacky, impossible to deal with,out of control, always doing something stupid and arguing about it,etc., the adjective 'expensive' should be added. Someone paid for all of this activity.This residency knows exactly what was spent on this end trying to stop all this.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain.
Subject: Fw: 12-15-11/cont.Lori, fits/12-14-11/Lori,fit
12-15-11/Lori,fit Cont. Lori has been on this continual ongoing rant on and off  in their main house, audible into this backyard and siting room porch, as to how it is noticed. Same thing. The references to this residency are more frequent and not good. They do not come outside or yell directly at this residency. Very,very bad mindset.This is unsettling.The S/Ws are going to be a problem for a long time for this residency. This should have been stopped at the very beginning. The whole thing should not have been protected and reinforced for all those years.
12-14-11/Lori,fit/ Approx. 11:A.M.Lori and Mr.Starr in their main into this house and backyard as to how it was noticed. Lori really mad and banging. Reminiscent of the earlier years,but not as bad. References to this residency and not good ones.No one came outside or yelled at this residency.Same thing.Lori is furious over the way she is treated and wants to move,right now,and she wants the money to do it and doesn't want to wait until the closing.A few days ago, John was really yelling their backyard,as to how it was noticed,on his cell phone, about needing two trucks to get everything out Lori wanted to take with her.It appeared to be a set situation.Now it doesn't.It doesn't seem as if Mr.Starr wants to move or have Lori and John move out.He probably knows what they had and have in LHP and they are not going to get it anywhere else.
Subject: 12-16-11/City Clerk Expertise/Complaint directed/copies
12-16-11/City Clerk Expertise/Complaint directed
Attention: Jennifer Oh, LHP City Clerk:
This is a complaint that Commander M.Oh and Sgt.C.Oh. falsified records, obstructed justice,and lied, among other complaints, during the LHP decade situation, to clear the S/Ws and themselves. 
These actions cost this residency a lot of time and expense 
Please report this complaint to the Mayor, City Administrator, the Chief, and the City Attorney.
If this is not the proper avenue for this complaint, please redirect.
Congratulations on the praise from the Mayor and Commissioner Gordon, -Deerfield Observer,12-15-11,.Pg.4- citing the past work at the Police Dept., Fire Dept, and the Bldg.Dept., and mentioning the rare level of expertise and all the experience with the City.
Hopefully, the record keeping at the City Clerk's Office regarding this complaint and the LHP decade situation will be better than the record keeping of Cmdr.M.Oh and Sgt.C.Oh, and this will not become a branched out continuing family problem.
Please also note that the overwhelmingly underhanded methods of law enforcement and the City regarding this decade situation have resulted in and necessitated  in many different types of attempts to counteract the problem, such as this Complaint, and many people have found themselves positioned in the middle of a big problem they did not create and in the precarious situation of cover up. Standard avenues have been blocked, manipulated, and disregarded concerning this problem by law enforcement and the City. It would have better served the Community to have straightened this matter out at the beginning.
Thank you.
12-17-11.A complaint was made regarding the police behavior and expense to the then LHP Commission President S.Gordon and to the Mayor which was redirected by Attorney M.Cirullo where it was replied to, 8-6. That paperwork was sent through the City Clerk's Office and to Chief Licata. Are copies of all that paperwork available? Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................

Subject12-19-11/LaMarca-Staff/assistance for law enfor. info.
12-19-11LaMarca-Staff/assistance for law enfor. info. 
Staff-Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca:
This is a request for assistance in directing toward an agency that will provide information on what law enforcement has done. This residency was left dangling. What is the law enfor. explanation for the LHP decade plus situation and how did the more overt harassment and stalking stop at the beginning of the tenth year before Det.L.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award?  All parties had and have been cleared to just start up again, that situation being intolerable by anyone's standards.The S/Ws would if they could and continued to taunt that they would. The harassment and stalking was intense, determined, routine, and well maintained, as was the law enfor. protection while it was being done. This residency was left dangling, probably on purpose, and probably for daring to complain about the consistent bad police work.Who or what agency helps in proving information about what law enforcement did? It is not fair that any residency has to search to obtain answers, but none of this was fair from the beginning. Thank you.
Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca:
LHP is in your District and is your Home City where you were a LHP Commissioner.
What did the Chief and the initial policy making Officers do regarding the S/W decade situation in LHP?
How did the more overt harassment and stalking stop at the beginning of the tenth year before Det./Officer L.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award?
Why was this residency left dangling?
This residency spent over $30,000.00, went through the Circuit Court system, and spent a lot of time and effort, all previously explained -see website,Blog,emails,- all while putting up with the whole thing.What happened?
Aren't  law enforcement and a City supposed to be transparent and ethical?
Why do only the inner workings of LHP and their 'friends' know what happened?
Is this any way to run a City? A very small City. It is not an overwhelming work burden to explain what happened. Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................Note: All sent emails finish with this ending or a shorter version of it. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the Blogs after every sent email as it takes up too much space.So, the ending from the sent emails will be posted at the beginning and end of the posts. Ending: 

If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, ................................

Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by the date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain. This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 All final editing done on the BLOG.    A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.This ending should have also included the LHP Mayor, City Admin., Code Enfor.,and Officers,at least ten.