Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lori Watras, Lori Starr, John Watras, Mel Starr are The S/Ws   The Starr/Watras s(plural)

LHP Mayor F.Schorr, LHP City Administrator J.Lavisky, LHP Chief Ross Licata, LHP City Atty. M.Cirullo

12-31-11/Commissioner J. Rodstrom and Staff, Can there be some assistance in directing to an agency that discloses what law enforcement has done?It appears, hypothetically speaking, that Commissioner C.LaMarca just doesn't want his friends to get in trouble.The Chief continually lied and misinformed and then left this residency dangling, as after almost a year of wide audience emailing, -started at the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works,- the lying and misinformation wouldn't work. Just because a small group of people takes over the inner workings of a small City, it should not mean expected entitlement invincibility, and definitely not for over a decade.
Again, this residency was left dangling. This residency needs asistance. Thank you.
Subject: 1-1-12/LHP/City's New Year's Spins/"The Top Twenty Dirty Things The City Did From The Very Beginning".1-1-12. Mayor Schorr, Please be reminded, blaming, vilifying, lying about and slandering this residency to try to cover up the mess the city made out of this decade situation won't work and won't be tolerated.
This spin of two goofy residencies always arguing and the police having ever such a hard time handing it won't work either, when actually and factually it was one really menacing residency and a goofy City protecting, covering, clearing, and giving them everything they wanted, which still is to be explained and will be.This residency is not just going to be the run over, abused, money pit for this mess.
Note;If Mr.Krutek is noticeably miffed by any criticism, he had plenty of time to act and speak differently. Hypothetically speaking, he is not just a dumb pawn of the S/Ws and the City.Hypothetically speaking, he is a willing dumb pawn of the S/Ws and the City. The S/Ws were always smarter than law enforcement and the City. They knew how to work it.
The Hawkins//Oh/Com.Lias. made up policy antics didn't help either.From the beginning, it just seemed that Det.L.Hawkins was Mr.Starr in a cop suit.
There has been an attempt to keep this Blog up to some civilized standards.If some of this appears to be below the belt, let's start listing every dirty thing the City did from from the very beginning. Let's start listing "The Top Twenty Dirty Things The City Did From The Very Beginning".Thank you.
Subject:  second BLOG
1-3-12/Second Blog/  The second blog is 
 It follows which can be gotten into by clicking BLOG on the website homepage
The email dates are 2-7-11 through the present. It really needs to be edited and cleaned up,-spacing grammatical errors, lettering size,etc. The whole format for all the emails needs to redone.It was just necessary to get something up for prevention and referral and  to stop the lying.
Many requests have been made as to what law enforcement did during the decade plus situation and how the more overt harassing and stalking stopped before Det.L.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award at the beginning of the tenth year.This residency was left dangling with the S/Ws threatening to start up again, and by then, there was nothing left that could be tolerated by anyone's standards.The S/Ws were protected and cleared to just start up again. Any residency would be complaining and inquiring. To be continued:  follows  which follows The website  home page has a link to the first Blog. A second link will be done to the second Blog.The sent email Blogs are necessary for protection and referral and to stop the misinformation and lying. 
Subject: Fw: 1-6-12/ principles.Second BLOG
1-6-12.Commissioner J.Rodstrom, A request has been made for assistance with police disclosure regarding the decade plus situation in LHP. It appears Commissioner LaMarca just want to keep his friends out of trouble.The question remains regarding this.- Is the City just going along with what law enforcement says and does or is the City telling law enforcement.what to say and do? In either case, both should be telling the truth and straightening this out. This is too outrageous for any residency to put up with. Any residency would be complaining There is also principle involved. If a residency were disenfranchised and unsophisticated, how would it fend off the S/Ws and their cops with that City backing? Nothing about this was/is logical, fair,or ethical. It was all basically belligerent and dumb, starting at the beginning with those initial Officers making up and continuing those bizarre police policies  It should not have to be repeated that vilifying, blaming, lying about, and slandering this residency are not any acceptable viable closure.Thank you.
 1-7-12/out of touch, reality detached,invincibility/ Hypothetically speaking there seems to be, within the mayoral capacity, an out of touch, reality detachment about the LHP decade plus situation, where explanations 'that nothing wrong ever happened here', can be used to suffice any inquiries. Unless it is done on purpose, which still fits the same out of touch approach in trying PR damage control methods. Was it really expected that no one would complain? The same can be said of the exasperating three and a half years stuck talking to the Chief.Also, other explanations by observers outside  of the City, such as, "Well, sometimes the police just aren't that smart.", doesn't suffice as, 'not being that smart" for a decade plus, is too long to be 'not that smart' Or, the explanation, "The police just want to collect their paycheck and do as little as possible.", doesn't suffice as they went way over the top in servicing the S/Ws for whatever outrageous things they wanted along with the concerted effort to help them continue and protect and clear them, all at taxpayers expense. Again, was it really expected that no one would complain? What is this sense of invincibility, entitlement invincibility, that no one would complain or could not be able to complain? There are a lot of unanswered questions. The request for information still needs to be addressed.This residency was left dangling, probably on purpose and probably with the mistaken notion that there wouldn't or couldn't be any complaining about it. All parties seem to have that out of touch, reality detachment, and that sense of permanent invincibility.
And again, vilifying, blaming, lying about, and slandering this residency are not any acceptable viable closure.There are no residencies that would put up with that after putting up with the whole thing.It was probably expected that there would or could not be any complaining about that either.Who ran and is running this City? Who decided to handle this mess this way? Thank you

Subject:  sent 1-10-12/Unsatisfactory City performance Subject:1-10-12/Unsatisfactory City performance
1-10-12.Mayor F.Schorr, Mr.J Lavisky,The City's handling of this situation still remains unsatisfactory,to say the least. The initial Officers who madeup and continued those police policies are not more important than a residency which paid over $30,000.00 and put in all that time and work trying to stop it all while putting up with it all.This residency should not have been left dangling, another unexplained situation.There needs to be full explanation of what law enfor.did.,already requested and discussed in the sent emails.insert dates.What did  law enfor do for the decade plus and how did the more overt harassment and stalking stop before Det. Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award at the beginning of the tenth year?It seems, hypothetically speaking, that the City just didn't want anyone to know what as happening here, and once it was found out and the City had to live with it, the City just assumed, 'To bad for the victim residency of it all.' which was the assumption from the beginning anyway. Nothing new.Again, the City performance was/ is still  unsatisfactory.Imagine this happening at your residencies. Would you have sold the residencies as soon as the S/Ws told you to? Would you be happy with the way all this was handled? 
And again, blaming, vilifying, lying about, and slandering this residency as closure method won't work.This residency already put up with enough. Any residency would be complaining and now complaining about the City performance and handling. Thank you.To be cont.:
This situation remains unresolved.The entire standard email ending does not need to be repeated after every blogged email.
.Subject:1-11-12/decade plus investigation1-11-12/decade plus investigation/ Mayor Schorr, Mr.J.Lavisky, The S/Ws have moved.This makes it a lot easier for this residency.The City backed law enfor. that protected, enabled, and cleared the S/Ws would never have put up with any of this themselves. Neither would anyone of the inner workings of the City.
That junk argument,seven and a a half years into this,-The City is not responsible for the negligent acts of govt. employees. -wasn't valid then to protect what law enfor.was doing and should not have enabled law enfor. to continue.When adding up years, please remember, 2000 was a year,a long bad one,with the S/Ws raging for hours and hours with targeted routine harassing, stalking, and trespassing, along with their horrific lengthty family fights also as routine which had been going on for years before the targeting of this residency, and along with everything else they were doing. It should have been stopped then, 2000 and 2001, when a lot of residents were calling in. Everyone thought that's what you do to stop it,and it really needed to be stopped as hours and hours of that daily as routine were too much for anyone.
Law enfor.needs to explain what it did for a decade plus. It also needs to explain how the more overt harassment and stalking stopped before Det Hawkins was to receice his Keeper Days Award at the beginning of the tenth year, and why this residency was left dangling with the S/Ws still threatening to continue.
The initial Officers who made those police policies are still here.Two decade plus neighbor witnesses are still here.With regard to witnesses, generally speaking, in PR and gossip situations, it's easy to have them dance and prance for the City and law enfor. It's another thing to have to coax them for a standard deposition not to accidentally blurt out the truth, which in this situation would more than likely go that way.This decade plus is really hard to cover up except in PR and gossip situations.This decade plus situation is really over the top outrageous.And again, blaming,vilify,lying about,and slandering this residency for slick closure attempts won't work. This residency already put up with too much. There is no residency that wouldn't be complaining, a logical outcome that should have been considered by the people who made and continued this mess. But the people who made and continued this mess had that juvenile belligerent sense of invincibility.This residency has been treated really badly and unfairly to say the least.This was an expensive and time consuming ordeal that never should have happened if it had been handled right,in a maximum of the first six months.Thank you.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 sent emails updates in on    for the 11,2012 sent emails updates until another link is added to the website get to it. LHPmess.blogspot.comAll final editing done on the BLOGS.This website and Blogs remain necessary for referral and protection and to stop the misinformation and lying.Regularly sent emails to- the Broward County Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, attorneys, agencies, and others. LHP -City Commissioners, Mayor, City Admin., City Clerk, Code Enfor., at least ten Officers, and others