Wednesday, March 26, 2014

FOUR#4    Lori Watras, Lori Starr, John Watras, Mel Starr 

are The S/Ws   The Starr/Watras s(plural) 
#4/Note: All emails finish with this ending. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the blogs as it takes up too much space. Some endings also had "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive."at the very end.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain. This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank youThis ending should have also included the LHP Mayor, City Admin., Code Enfor.,and Officers,at least ten. Note: All sent emails finish with this ending or a shorter version of it. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the Blogs after every sent email as it takes up too much space.So, the ending from the sent emails will be posted at the beginning and end of the posts.  

9-12-11.The lying and slandering need to stop. And, that includes the Chief. This residency did everything it could from the very beginning to try and stop all this, and it should have been stopped in a maximum of six months.The wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year, was/is the only thing that worked/works.The S/Ws are probably still trying to cause trouble. It may be hard for law enfor.and the City to explain them now to others now without acknowledging that they were cleared and covered and  without having to explain why they were cleared and covered for all the years. Lying, slandering and vilifying this residency should not be used as any flim flam excuse method. And that also goes Det./Ofc. L.Hawkins, whose inexplicable, bizarre behavior from the beginning, and lying and misinforming through the years, cannot just be brushed aside as 'a bad judgement call'. There are no residents who would put up with this or who would have wanted to put in all that time and expense trying to stop it all.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent,unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. Months of unposted emails will be posted on a second Blog
9-13-11.The reinforced mindset is still bad and very very unsettling, Lori,very audible, complaining that she/they were/are the victims and she wants something done about it.This is also very unsettling due to their/her constant and intense law enfor. protection and clearing for the past decade plus no matter how inexplicable or ridiculous, and who wants to put up with that again.This is really inappropriate to do on a 9-11 anniversary.
-Note: On the original 9-11-2001, the S/Ws still had their typical hours long family fights with Lori coming in and out to scream at, threaten, taunt,etc., this residency, trespassing and at the interior backyard fence.There should have been a way to stop that. That's still a big memory of 9-11 with everything else that was going on and there was a lot going on with all the checking on everyone.-
This residency still does not have company as the S/Ws didn't/don't like that.In the past years, the few times that happened, it was emailed first.The S/Ws, more than likely will and are still trying to cause trouble.Bad reinforced mindset.This will now probably be a problem for life. The S/Ws' decade plus methods, antics,etc.,etc., and law enfor.and city protection and clearing are a now legendary part of LHP history. None of this should have happened.This should have been handled in a maximum of six months.
What also is still very unsettling is the thought process of the people who let all of this happen,continued it, and thought it could just be cleared.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing,started in the ninth year,the only thing that worked/works.............
-9-12-11.Not really trivial. Approx. 3:30 P.M.Slamming doors.Strong perfume spraying back, too strong to sit in this backyard. This this has to be deliberate.There was one other time before today when this was used just recently.This needs to be noted, even if it is nothing nearly as horrific as the methods used in the past decade plus.-
This situation remains unresolved.send/blog.9-14-11.Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca:
What is he planning to do about the decade situation in LHP, in his district? No residency should have to pay over $30,000.00, go through Circuit Court, put up a website and a blog, and email extensively in and out of the City to fend off harassers and stalkers and their unethical and illegal law enforcement protection and clearing, all while continuously putting up with it. The wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year, was/is the only thing that worked/works. Law enforcement and the City can use lengthy legal maneuvers at taxpayers expense to try to cover themselves. However, there already has been enough unethical behavior.This is a small city. It is not as if he couldn't know what was going on.The cover ups for slick closure won't work.The lying and slandering won't either. What is he you planning to do about this problem in his district? His lack of response for a LHP decade problem has been conspicuous.Thank you.
9-15-11The lying,slandering,vilifying,and deliberate misinformation has to stop and that includes involving Andy in the past decade plus.Andy didn't deserve any of this and that includes his children and grandchildren, and relatives, and friends, and anyone else who tried to come onto this property. Lying and slandering will not work as an attempt at slick closure, cover up,and clearing. Law enfor. can get protection to do that employment wise,but it will not work with other civilian, govt.employees, or legal avenues. None of this should have happened anyway.The S/Ws should not have gotten control over an entire city's functioning. How much did it cost to pamper them over the past decade plus and before that, while this residency had to spend all that money and time trying to stop it all, while putting up with it all?
 If it weren't for the wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year,the only thing that worked/works............
send/blog.9-15-11.The Dullenkopf residency has been here,in LHP, since 1966, long before the S/Ws and the newer law enfor. came here. Andy didn't deserve any or all of this, had to pay to try to stop all this,while putting up with it all, a modern horror story. The S/Ws did everything they could to try to get him in trouble and ruin his reputation.There was a lot of lying.The S/Ws' lying goes a long way and causes a lot of trouble.The S/Ws should not have gotten all that law enfor. and City backup to do all this.There are a lot of LHP groupies who go along with anything the inner workings of LHP want to do or say. Somewhere along the way, it would have been nicer if at least half these people thought logically. None of this should have happened.This situation should have been handled in a maximum of six months.It's not good to let the S/Ws run a city. Again, Andy didn't deserve any or all of this. Someone should have helped or given some support.
Please be reminded, by Nov. 1999, the S/Ws' long family fights had really escalated and the screaming, banging,etc.were intolerable, especially inbetween these two residencies where the S/Ws entered and exited, fighting, screaming, banging,etc.on property they had just taken and used as theirs. Lori thought Andy had ignored her which he really didn't. She approached me saying if Andy did not ant to hear her screaming, he could move,that she could make anyone move. Then,I did ignore her,-once.She immediately started screaming that she would not be ignored, that no one at  their residency would ever talk to anyone at this residency again and that this residency would never be able to use this house,backyard again.The horrific levels of  targeted harassment, stalking, trespassing, banging,threatening,screaming at, taunting blasting, etc.,etc., started against this residency and anyone who dared to come here, all while the S/Ws were still having their own lengthy, screaming, family fights.
Andy refused to sell the house.It couldn't even be leased out with all that going on daily.
There seems to be no concern over what Mr.Dullenkop had to put up with.There should have been some help or support from somewhere within this city.There wasn't any,even with an outside Circuit Court case and ruling.
This has already been asked. Exactly what are the City, law enfor.,and code enfor. saying this residency did wrong in the past decade?
Exactly what are the reasons the S/Ws got all that protection and clearing by law enfor.and the City in the past decade?. It seems as if the clearing and lying just got on a big roll, especially trying to explain that first horrific five and one half years.
What is very unsettling is the thought process of the people who let all of this happen,continued it, and thought it could just be cleared.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year, the only thing that worked/works.....................................................
This situation remains unresolved. 
Repeat/Already Sent/Not Blogged 6-4-11.Mr.Dullenkopf always gives me authorization to speak and act on his behalf to attorneys, corporations,mortgage groups, financial groups,medical facilities, businesses,etc.,as he is still trying to work approx.45hours a week,and this is time consuming stuff. This is usually verbal confirmation, written confirmation, and written legal confirmation. We've done this a lot.There have been no complaints with a lot of things being taken care of because we take care of this avenue properly.
This was also done with regard to the S/Ws situation.Is there some sort of issue about this with the LHPPD, which is a vapid excuse for any part of this mess. From the beginning and into years, Mr. Dullenkopf did complain about the S/Ws. But as with everyone else, he got nowhere.This got to be an overwhelming time consuming mess with the constant horrific harassment and the S/Ws always sending their police over here whenever they wanted.It took up all your time and you couldn't stop it. Andy was working about 50 hours a week.The S/Ws lied and complained to the police about him and yelled at and threatened him through the backyard interior fence when he wasn't even home. Sometimes I wouldn't even tell him what happened that day because all it would do was upset him and wreck the evening.This situation really made men mad and the S/Ws were always trying to get any kind of a two party confrontation which was really scary as they had the police and no one wanted to get into trouble in any kind of situation with them which is what they wanted. So,with no help from the police no matter who complained, I took over trying to deal with it and stop it so Andy could have a more normal type life and as stated, he was also trying to work. This, Andy's involvement/attempts to stop this,and then my handling this,has already been explained on the blog.
About five years into this, the S/Ws were loudly plotting on what to do about not having any 'evidence' when this residency had a lot and the Circuit Court case was looming. So,......Andy worked about ten hours that day and drove into the driveway,tired. He came into this house and the screaming started, so loud you could hear it over two TVs. I went out to look. Lori, Mark, and Mr. Starr were trespassing standing along this front driveway yelling and threatening, Lori screaming that Andy had thrown a candy box at her, and they were calling the police.I turned on the recorder.Andy went out to this driveway to look and he did look at them mad and I went out with the recorder visible and told him to go inside.We did not say anything back to them.This was obviously another one of the S/Ws setups for trouble.I did see John trespassing between the garages about three yards south of them,but didn't fully realize it at the time that he was videotaping trying to get a reaction from Andy to try to use for something.The S/Ws kept screaming even though I was holding the recorder visible. Andy and I went inside without saying anything back.The S/Ws patrol cars pulled in,Sgt. Vacarro training a new officer, and came here on the S/Ws complaint that Andy bothered them.
Now, by this time I had two recorders ready to go as the S/Ws would go back and forth from the front to the back in between the garages trespassing, screaming, and threatening us, along with their routine family fights along that route, and it was too much trouble to carry the same recorder back and forth while they were doing that. I had just, visible to them, taped the S/Ws screaming at, threatening, and taunting us,trespassing along this driveway. I was still holding that recorder and picked up the second recorder which was for the front yard when the police came here and I was still holding both recorders talking to the police.This incident, another one again,was very,very upsetting.I played the recording,just made, of the S/Ws screaming at, threatening, and taunting us, and complained about the screaming to the police. Andy also complained to the police and wanted to file a complaint.The police left. So of course, nothing was done about the S/Ws as usual. I did call the station and complain about Sgt. Vacarro bringing someone else over here to train,on behalf of the S/Ws, and not doing anything about the big picture problem with the S/Ws, a repeated known complaint. Lori spent hours and hours for days and evenings screaming, threatening, and taunting, backyard interior fence and trespassing, about that evening. Then,the S/Ws did go back to mainly their family fights for awhile, one of them being about what kind of trouble could they be in when Lori admitted that Andy never threw anything at her as they were worried about any possible cameras having caught her lying, and would this be used in court against them. But, for years after, they always yelled and taunted they had a video tape to use in court, the one John took trespassing while while the other three were trespassing along this driveway screaming, threatening, and taunting, of Andy looking mad at them in his own driveway while they were doing that. The audio for that is on the website,the same subject they were complaining to the police about that evening.
I did mention that, that evening I was talking to the police holding two recorders. They were large cassette recorders, about 12ins by5ins. by 4ins. And I did play the just made recording of the screaming, threatening, taunting S/Ws to the police. Andy did complain to the police and wanted to file a complaint. The other recorder, the one I used for the front yard luckily was still running.You can hear Andy complaining to the police. It didn't do any good.That horrific screaming, threatening, taunting banging, blasting,etc. etc. etc. along with their family fights continued for years.
Is there going to be any issue regarding the situation about Andy's involvement in trying to stop the S/Ws and my handling of it?
Please remember, this residency spent over $30,000.00 trying to stop this.
Anyway, it's all 'in the past', right?
This situation remains unresolved.
9-16-11.It seems as though there should have been/be an accurate study of a situation when a residency spends over $30,000.00 trying to sit in the yard or just be on the property.The slick cover ups do not suffice.To be cont. 
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.
9-19,20-11/question/Circuit Court/Yates/Leshin 
9-19-11.Broward County  Commissioner C. LaMarca. Why did LHP disregard the Circuit Court document instated to stop and prevent the S/Ws' behavior? It might have prevented the horrible following horrible years,until the wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year, the only thing that worked/works had to be used. The first over a half decade of horrific stalking and harassment should have been enough.The S/Ws had already gotten enough.See website,audio.If the decision was to 'contain' the situation, so there would not be any more without any more noticeability into the Broward County Court system of the incompetence of the years before, why wasn't the containment policy also to stop them? This incompetence, this unethical and illegal incompetence, happened in his district.What exactly is his advice for residents with this kind of problem? This is not just not one isolated occurrence/incident with a lot of people disputing the event. It is a decade plus.The flim flam, cover up excuse explanations do not suffice.Who hires and salaries the law enfor.-them themselves? This is not a large city. Commissioner C.LaMarca. Again,what would he suggest to a resident in his district about this? As far as the economy goes, is it a good idea to keep incompetent, unethical officers employed and salaried in his City as an assurance they will be covered and protected by the City after all this, like a reward? 
This situation remains unresolved.
9-20-11.Circuit Court/Yates/Leshin: Note: If there is any question about this residency's expenses: This is not an attorney accounting calculation problem..If this situation had been handled in a maximum of six month as it should have been, there would have been no need for a Circuit Court Case. Continually protecting and clearing the S/Ws for years and years for things no one would never put up with at their own residencies or anywhere is what made made this situation expensive.The S/Ws' protection was very belligerent and defiant, no matter how outrageous the antics were.It seemed in the beginning years that law enfor. was more interested in appeasing Attorney R.Yates,the S/Ws' attorney, who puts on a good 'show' and doesn't like to lose, than in helping this residency. He knew it was wrong. He should have told the S/Ws to stop. Way into the second year of intolerable harassment and stalking by anyone's standards,on a routine daily basis for hours, with no sign of relief, I drove to one of the first civil attorneys I talked to and just hired him. Atty.Randall Leshin. check date.This may have been fumbling, but who knew at that time that a really good criminal/civil  attorney would be necessary to stop all this. He started out alright, but as the years went by, he just stopped working, doing only what was minimally necessary, not informing us about basics or of deposition or trial postponements-I brought evidence to the judge myself so it wouldn't be late,one payment was made at a pay station to keep the office electric on, moving the office with only a message left the door, not returning calls, etc., while Yates stayed in control and while the S/Ws still raged. Once you have money into someone, this is very unsettling. The Bar Assoc.said to file against him and sent the paperwork, he had already just been fined by the Bar Assoc.,but at this point another subplot was not endurable, especially with still having to put up with the S/Ws and their protection. Things were not good. I called a local Atty.who had done some work with the other LHP legal situation, gave him the tapes on a regular basis, and he said he wouldn't advise changing Attys. in midstream.
Continued: After years, Atty.R.Yates had run out of maneuvers to keep the case  from going to trial and he really couldn't bring the S/Ws into Court as they really did all it The S/Ws never civilly said they didn't do it. They basically always gloated and threatened they could, would, and couldn't be stopped in LHP.
 Atty.R.Yates gave this first Atty.,who was not that good, and did not cover all aspects in the filings including damages, a Settlement.Agreement Document for this residency to sign, to be filed in Circuit Court, stating that both parties adhere to the laws of LHP, when he knew that the basis for the suit and the problem was that this residency couldn't get protection,the S/Ws had law enfor. protection, and the suit was the only way to stop all this and the only place to get some help.
Signing was refused. This residency would have nothing, no protection, things would be just as they were from the beginning and it would never stop with no way to stop it. And things were still intolerable.The option was given, sign or the first attorney would withdraw as the case was not filed/written to maximum benefit for defendants, and should not be continued. (?)  Please again note: Atty.Yates had run out of maneuvers to keep the case  from going to trial and he really couldn't bring the S/Ws into Court. 
Signing was still refused. So, Atty.R.Yates accompanied the first Atty. to the withdrawal hearing, checking his paperwork to make sure it was correct.I did say at the hearing to the judge  that there appeared to be some sort of collusion.The judge let him withdraw and gave advise on hiring another atty.This was the second Judge. This case had been in the Circuit Court system system for years.
There has been some question as to what happened with that first attorney, as if this residency just lost an attorney. The second good attorney later did question this first atty. as to why he just didn't amend the original filing, and he said he didn't know he could. Sure.
Basically, it could be explained or deciphered, Yates flipped him as maneuver thinking hiring a second atty. would be too expensive and would stop any action on this end of the suit and he would win.
The above write up is incohesive and not the best. I really don't want to do it.But some things need to be explained and put into the website. LHP had for years tried to find any flaws in this residency's complaints, no matter how irrelevant or ridiculous, to cover for the S/Ws and their protection.This attorney withdrawal situation can not be used again to say this residency did anything wrong to cause it, so of course everything this residency said was wrong, and the civil suit was wrong, and that would never have to be dealt with again, and all participants were cleared to continue, as that self indugent gist excuse. 
The wrong thing was picking the wrong attorney while really stressed and not knowing at the time the civil loop.But if the whole thing had been handled right, a really good criminal/civil atty. would not have been so ultimately necessary.
Continued:The S/Ws now thinking this residency was completely defenseless, with no protection, and there would never be any,  really upped the harassment and stalking to another one of their most vicious and ferocious periods, with the lengthy hours screaming, threatening, taunting, blasting, banging, trespassing, screaming at,etc.,etc. A daily nightmare. Particularly chilling was Lori screaming while trespassing that the laws had been changed and she could now shoot someone on the back. Also,her yelling she could outrun me as I had a bad back,among other things.They really gloated. taunted, and screamed about the atty.withdrawal. But very unsettling after all the years of this,Lori was screaming that we had to pay them/her damages and they would collect it! They had filed a baseless countersuit about the tapings, the screaming, banging, blasting, taunting ,screaming at, threatening,etc.,etc. when they had police protection to do it. The suit was baseless but with that still lingering  and with the S/Ws still so determined to continue, there was nothing left to do but hire a really good criminal/civil atty. to handle the problem. A very good criminal/civil Atty.was hired. This was an expensive undertaking as there was over half a decade to study, the case had to be amended in a Court Hearing request and was, and the Attorney had to be ready to go to trial. So faced with a really good Attorney at Trial, Yates finally stopped just before Trial. The Sett.Agree./Injunction was drawn up, signed, and filed. See sent Sett.Agree.emails for further info.They can be resent.This was to stop and prevent the S/Ws. This was a really good Attorney and Law Firm and a really good Document.
So, LHP disregarded the document anyway. Apparently, LHP is a City separate from the rest of the country. LHP does what it wants.
Again, this residency  had to hire a really good criminal/civil Attorney to handle all this and the expense was high.This type of of situation should have been handled in a maximum of  six months.This has already all been explained in the website, blog,sent emails and unposted emails.There is such a method as trying to make something too expensive to stop.
After all that, the Circuit Court Document Sett.Agree. to stop and prevent the S/Ws was disregarded by LHP anyway and the S/Ws were enabled to continue, while they gloated, threatened, and taunted that they could, would and did, until the wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year, the only thing that worked/works had to be used.
Are there any more issues anyone wants explained? They will be.
The lying and slandering have to stop. It will not work as slick closure.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.9-27-11.Mayor F.Schorr, Being stuck talking to the Chief for three and a half years after the first horrific five and one half years stuck dealing with city law enfor., while he continually protected and excused the S/Ws, was more than just an exasperating situation, kind of like a chess match on how do you talk to this person and keep the S/Ws and their law enfor. protection down. 
Hypothetically speaking, if he or anyone were again asked by anyone such as a reporter as to what happened, it might be a good idea to say that stalking, harassing, trespassing, screaming, screaming at, banging, taunting, screech singing at, spraying, lying ,blasting, etc.,etc, etc., for hours and hours, and years and years, as a regular routine, for a decade plus,were all legal then in LHP,  instead of saying the S/Ws and law enfor. didn't do anything wrong or erroneous
Hypothetically speaking, if asked what this residency did about all that, it might be a good idea to say, spent an excessive amount of money and an excessive amount of time in the Circuit Court system tying to stop it.
It has already been asked, what exactly is law enfor.and  the City saying this residency did wrong in the past decade?  Lying about, slandering and vilifying this residency don't work as slick closure.
Are there any LHP residents who wouldn't mind spending all that time and expense, approx.$30,000.00, on this while putting up with it all?
Hypothetically speaking, it might not be a good idea to say there is no basis or case for reimbursement, etc. The only Attorney trusted not to flip a case,which really ups the expense, is the one on the Sett.Agree./Injunction, and he does not work on contingency.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works.................................

This is not trivial.9-26-11.Update. Mindset. Bad, unsettling mindset.The S/Ws have been showing their residency frequently. There are the constant loud complaints about the interior backyard fence pointed out to viewers.They will not trim or remove the overgrown foliage extending from the interior fence to their pool patio on their side,will not trim or pick up the trash stuff under their tree extending almost half their backyard on their west side,and will not remove their hanging fence piece-southwest corner, complaining that all that problem is this residency's fault. (?)   They of course neglect to tell anyone that for over five and a half  years they beat on the older fence while harassing and stalking, and trespassed between the garages and on the north side while harassing and stalking for over six years until those fences were legally put up to prevent that along with the Sett.Agree./Injunction.
This is not exactly the way to sell a house.Whenever you hear loud voices, it means viewers are there and they are doing that again.This is of course far from the worst of the S/Ws' methods,and could be overlooked, - it could just be a new way to complain loud about something this residency has to hear-, except it is a real reminder of the S/Ws' reinforced mindset and how they will always be looking for new people and ways to complain. They are probably still trying to cause trouble in any way they can think of. The website and blog will probably always have to be up for protection and referral.

Fw: 9-29-11/ Observer/Johnson
9-29-11.Re: Deerfield Observer/page 10.
 Re: 'Sandy on Society'/ LHP Commissioner and Deerfield Observer Columnist Sandy Johnson's, hypothetically speaking, 'Krutec Column' is again becoming a little too obvious, self serving, and agenda based and has for a long time. After all, these are the neighbors who watched and listened to this horrific mess for years and years, after watching and listening to the the S/W's antics for years before they targeted this residency.They are the longest dwelling neighbors with the history for this. It is a right to not become involved if one does not want to but someone should have been telling the truth. A lot of pictures does not help. A lot of articles of people spending time together also does not help.
 After the first five and a half horrific years, LHP Commissioner S.Johnson was the first Commissioner approached for help. C.O.P. Laraine Schorr's appearance on the scene has already been noted and the expertise legal work after Mayor Schorr was approached for really necessary help has already been noted. It's not a good idea to not tell attorneys what is really going on. LHP Commissioner and Columnist Sandy Johnson's agenda, being involved with the inner workings of the City, and with this column has already been questioned. Hypothetically speaking, one shouldn't be playing around with this. Obvious is obvious. But, after all is said and done, hypothetically speaking, any kind of rather cuckoo, pushy intentions does not end or solve any problem, column or not. Thank you.
If it wasn't for the wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works.....................................
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.Fw: 9-30-11/'looking good'
9-30-11/looking good'/9-30-11.This residency took a heavy hit for a decade plus. It is amazing how the inner workings of LHP stick together propping each other up,trying to make each other 'look good' after the fact. It's amazing how powerful, controlling, influencing, and far reaching the S/Ws and their bizarre police protection were/are. No one ever said, "Andy, sorry you had to spend so much money and all your family and friends got treated so bad." Not once. And, not while it was going on full force.From the beginning, the S/Ws spent a lot of time really targeting him while they were raging full force with their protection, sending a lot of patrol cars here trying to blame him for something.Those are the people he ended up having to talk to and there was no help in stopping the problem.
Again,.....It's amazing how powerful, controlling, influencing, and far reaching the S/Ws and their bizarre police protection were/are. The S/Ws controlled a city. This is a small city. The excuse,'We didn't know what was going on.', doesn't suffice. This supercillious approach of trying to 'look good' after the fact doesn't solve anything. It was not too bright to think there wouldn't be any complaints about all this or any way anyone could complain about all this.
If it wasn't for the wide audience emailing, started in the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works.....................................
Note: All sent emails finish with this ending or a shorter version of it. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the Blogs after every sent email as it takes up too much space.So, the ending from the sent emails will be posted at the beginning and end of the posts. Ending: 
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, ................................
Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by the date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain. This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.This ending should have also included the LHP Mayor, City Admin., Code Enfor.,and Officers,at least ten.