Thursday, March 27, 2014

FIFTEEN  Additions:2012, 2013
All emails' standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works,................................This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 sent emails updates in
Click on    for the 11,2012 sent emails updates until another link is added to the website get to it.  All final editing done on the BLOGS.This website and Blogs remain necessary for referral and protection and to stop the misinformation and lying.Regularly sent emails to- the Broward County Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, attorneys, agencies, and others. LHP -City Commissioners,  Mayor, City Admin., City Clerk, Code Enfor., at least ten Officers, and others FOLLOWS 

Re:Sun-Sentinel/10-21-12/pg,4B/'Ann Romney pops in.....'                 Re: LaMarca's woes: Mrs.LaMarca should really stop complaining about this.She's already complained too long about this.
Something to really complain about would be the decade mess this residency got stuck with, a mess LHP Commissioner and Broward Commissioner C. LaMarca did not help with and helped to continue, cover up, and clear, even while campaigning on ethics for other people to get the job.
To date, ask him what happened.The situation remains unresolved.Thank you.
Information below in web and two Blogs
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works,................................This situation remains unresolved.
10-23-12/This smug little game, from the beginning, from law enforcement and then from the City, that this residency would never be able to fight back, is not the finale.The mayor should have stopped the circus, not become part of it. Reimbursement and damages are deserved.Slandering this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made will not work.This is a repeat complaint.Thank you.
Mayor F.Schorr, Mr.John Lavisky,
11-1-12.Please be reminded this residency still expects reimbursement and damages. Any notions by the inner circle that it is better to spend five times that amount to make sure it doesn't happen are absurd.Quick token attorneys and slander didn't and won't work..LHP groupies can't help to cover up.Thank you.
11-3-12.Mayor.F.Schorr, Mr.John Lavisky,
It hardly seems plausible that making sure this residency got harassed and stalked into oblivion for that length of time 'better served the interests of the City'.
It started out with approximately three dumb,devious cops,- unsophisticated law enfor.officers-, and continued on a dumber,devious roll protecting them. Why was and is so much credence given to neighbors who watched and did not spend over $30,000.00 trying to stop it? What exactly was and is the point the City was and is trying to make?This situation remains unresolved.Thank you.
 Fw: 11-20-12/misinformation and slanderSubject:Mayor F.Schorr,Mr.J.Lavisky
Please be reminded that continuing to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made with the decade plus situation and slandering this residency does not exactly help to sooth things over even with this being done by LHP groupies not making official statements.The general gist of what the inner workings of the City did is pretty well evident by others outside the City. No residency should have to spend that much money and time trying to stop all that.This situation remains unresolved.Gee thanks.

12-7-12/Explanations.The LHP decade situation remains unresolved No residency should have to spend all money and time trying to stop all that while putting up with it. And again, lying and slandering to try to cover up the mess does not help to sooth things over.See previous sent emails.Thanks.
12-18--12/Explanations of the LHP Decade Mess
Please be reminded that this residency still expects reimbursement and damages.And again,lying and slandering does not help to sooth things over. Much has been said about a particular neighbor's meddling.It also does not exactly help to sooth things over when 'explanations' are given to city workers and neighbors.Exactly who is the voice of the City about the decade mess? Facts are facts. And City Groupies are precisely just that.
Reporters:Re: Sun Sentinel /1-17-13/ pg.3B/ 'Deputy Takes Stand'
 Here is a situation of,' If someone thinks it, they can do what they want'., as mechanism, used by the perpetrators and by the authorities for a decade plus, along with the other unethical and illegal activities.This situation remains unresolved.Thank Click BLOG on the homepage to get to   follows.
1-22-13.Mayor F. Schorr, Mr.J.Lavisky,
Re:Repeat complaint/ Lighthouse Point,Fl.decade mess
Please be reminded,   again,  that lying and slandering to try to cover up the mess the City made out of the decade plus situation, are not acceptable.
This problem was initially caused by approximately three substandard -dumb, devious- officers, whom the City seemed more important than a residency with a legitimate complaint,- many legitimate complaints.
No residency anywhere would want to put up with any of all this while paying tens of thousand of dollars trying to stop it.
The longevity is particularly belligerent and Click BLOG on the homepage to get to   follows.
Lying and slandering won't work.
Thank you.
2-4-13.This residency has still been left dangling. No explanation has been given as to why a LHP residency would have to spend over $30,000.00, and do all that work to just stay on the property.
No explanation has been given for instating and continuing the Lori Laws- that the S/Ws could harass and stalk, threaten ,scream at, bang, blast, trespass, and if anyone looked at them,they could call their police as looking at them while they were doing all that 'bothered them'.
This mess was caused by approximately three incompetent, -devious and dumb-, officers.
It is very telling that a City mayoral and administrative capacity would stand by these people for all those years instead of by a residency with a legitimate and very legal complaint.
The general gossip mill throughout the LHP inner circle and LHP groupies doesn't suffice.It is exactly as stated -goofy explanations to try cover everything up. It doesn't suffice or sooth things over.No one in the inner circle or groupie group would have wanted to put up with any of this and they all would be complaining.
And again, lying and slander to try to continue to cover all this up won't work.Who is the voice for the explanations?
All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works...............................
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 sent emails updates in
Re:'Keeper Days Parade Event'/ 2-9-13
It was a little too in your face to have Hawkins and Oh as the officers -Sat. 2-9-13- ending of parade route, N.E.28 Ave.,east parking lot, east parking lot exit, directly in front of this residency and very visible.There are a lot of other officers who could have done that assignment.
Keeper Days has stopped being a thrill for this residency the year Hawkins was honored, a year this residency was still very badly pounded, and the year, ninth, the emailing started as a last resort to try to get help. 
Cmdr. Marchitello was honored this year and he deserved it. During the time he was acting Chief of Police, the S/Ws stopped routinely pounding this residency.They still had their routine horrific screaming banging,etc., but back to with each other with their routine family fights as it had been for years before, especially in the evening and the two days Mr.Starr was home, During that period there was only occasional yelling concerning this residency while they were fighting with each other. It was a nice rest.There is a thank you message on the audio part of the website and later another complimentary reference to this on the Blog.
The Chief before him and after him could have at least done the same thing. But this mess was started, controlled, and continued by a few incompetent and belligerent officers. See web,Blogs,emails.
R.Thompson, long time, decorated C.O.P., just sold his residency and did not tell the new owners leaving them with a big mess.That must have become the decided LHP solution,- sell and leave the new owners with the S/Ws and their cops, protection and backup, mess.
Complaints have already been made concerning  a meddling neighbor, friends with the inner workings of the City, who had more pull than this residency, and later with help looking better by a LHP commissioner. This neighbor is the longest dwelling LHP resident observing and hearing the S/Ws for years before they targeted this residency. Who is the official voice of explanation for this whole mess?
The lying and slandering about this residency has to stop.It doesn't work to try to cover this whole thing up.
As already stated, the City mayoral and administrative capacities should not have stood by these officers instead of by a residency that badly needed help.This situation remains unresolved.The belligerent attitude controlling this only works in the confines of a small City.
Re:"LHP Society Stuff -Keeper Days, 2013"
Already noted: The S/Ws moved at the end of Dec.2011,that leverage stopped/over. 
All emails' standard ending:
It is difficult on this Blog to produce proper spacing.Sorry for any inconvenience.
More sent emails to be posted.2013
2-21-13.The snide attitude that this residency will never receive reimbursement or damages because the City and law enforcement can just slide everything onto the side of being legal, does not help to sooth things over.
However, with these two institutions actually continually doing all that for over a decade, it isn't surprising that there would be snideness regarding how they could and would protect themselves afterwards.
The overwhelmingly weird and annoying concept is that they actually did all that for that length of time. Ask anyone outside the City.
Re:Sun Sentinel /2-20-13/ Broward edition/ Pg.12A
'WHAT WE THINK  'How does deputy still have job?
2-21-13. This should be at least a weekly column.-'How Does This Deputy/officer Still Have a Job?-'
It could start with the Lighthouse Point DECADE situation.
Perhaps Broward County Commissioner C. LaMarca could be a commentator. He's got the experience.
Thank you. / Click Blog on the homepage to get to  follows.

3-12-13.Mr.J.Lavisky, Mayor F.Schorr, 
Please be reminded, this residency expects reimbursement and damages, no matter how many times the 'explanation' is redone to counteract any proceedings. 
The S/Ws left at the end of Dec.2011 for financial reasons as a loan on the property had to be repaid, and that leverage of them/ their harassment and stalking was over.This residency had/has been left dangling
Repeat complaint: Slander and lying does not help to sooth anything over.
Thank you.
8-24-09 To Whom It May Concern:
   What is the City's positioning on the Injunction/Settlement Agreement? The problem is explaining it it to anyone who may want to visit here,and there is no one left who wants to come here and will probably have to put up with something. There is no credibility left.
     2008 was the year long final straw with the S/Ws figuring out how to still harass daily with police protection. Now,even five minutes of that deliberate repetitive technique couldn't be tolerated.And that was done with company,without company, retaliation for having company, and just in general to have a steady harassment going on.
     There is absolutely no point in asking the Chief about this or in even talking to him about any of this,as he made it very very clear he covers for the S/Ws with whatever it takes, seemingly oblivious that this would cause any resulting criticism,as if he was insulated.My last phone conversation with him was on 10-27-09 -CORRECTION 10-27-08- when he was still adamantly defending the S/Ws and he did not return my calls after the 10-29-08 incident.There has been no more contact with him to date.There also has been no contact with anyone in the city since that incident as all went back to the Chief who controlled it,except for the emails.The only thing to do was to email as defense and to finish the website to stop the misinformation and lying and to try to stop the harassment.
   A more clearly defined explanation would help,although I am really hesitant about even asking for it and somehow rocking the boat as these months without that specific harassment have been too good and there is no way of tolerating that ever again.It's just a matter of knowing what the situation is to tell any potential visitors.This residency is still not used in any normal way,situation always having to be explained,but it is one hundred percent better than daily harassment with police backup, and that is really appreciated and has been expressed as such.
  Can the S/Ws just start up again with police protection? What is the City's position on the Injunction/Sett.Agree.for protection against this? The S/Ws' mindset is still very bad.They will continue if given any avenue.
  The question regarding the City's positioning on the Injunction/Sett.Agree was asked quite some time ago.See emails.
  Thank you.
cc:  2008-09 link to is now available by clicking BLOG on the website homepage for easier accessability.It is not finished and needs to be reorganized.All final editing is done on the blogspot.This was put up as a necessity for referral,easier accessibility and future  prevention.

To be Sent.Re:The S/Ws left at the end of Dec.2011 for financial reasons as a loan on the property had to be repaid, and that leverage of them/ their harassment and stalking was over.This residency had/has been left dangling

The LHP  policies were impossible to surmount to stop all this.Even after Mr.Starr had sold the house and moved out with the moving van, he still came back- possible odds and ends left on property-  and sat in the backyard with the new owner and loudly told him that he 'had to watch out for her because she would look and come out at him'. I had been in and out of this backyard and pool area and just came out when he loudly said that, the point being I would have to hear him. The fact that this excuse could be used in any capacity for all those years to excuse and clear all the S/Ws' behavior is and was beyond belief. The S/Ws were very brazen and confident, with good reason.They had all that bizarre police and city backup.Who explains all this -the decade plus situation?

Send 4-8-13.The Lighthouse Point policies that these people could harass,stalk,trespass,bang, blast, etc.,etc.for hours and nothing would be done about it, and if anyone looked at them, they could call their police as 'looking at them bothered them' was impossible to overcome. For over a decade of targeted harassment and stalking, their excuse was as just stated. They also had their standard family fights while this this this was going on and these had gone on for years before this residency was targeted.
Sounds unbelievable? See website and Blogs listed below.This residency spent over $30,000,00 trying to stop all this while putting up with it all and not being able to use this residency in any normal way.Thank you
To be continued: