Lori Watras, Lori Starr, John Watras, Mel Starr are The S/Ws The Starr/Watras s(plural)
LHP Mayor F.Schorr, LHP City Administrator J.Lavisky, LHP Chief Ross Licata, LHP City Atty. M.Cirullo
3- 6-12 through 3-17-12
repeat:3-6-12.Emailing. Mayor F.Schorr, If there are any complaints about the emailing, please be reminded, they can just be deleted. It's not as if harassing patrol cars are pulling up at any time telling people they have to read them. Harassing patrol cars pulling in at any time telling people they have to put up with dumb things was a LHP trademark for this residency.
It is important that a City is fiscally well run. It is also important that the police dept. is not taken over by salaried goons with bad motives who belligerently assist and cover for one over the top, outrageous residency to harass and stalk another residency into oblivion. There really isn't any excuse for all that except salaried goons with bad motives can do what they want, in LHP. The initial Officers who caused and continued this mess should not be more important than the residency that got stuck putting up with the whole thing.There is still a big reality disconnect within the inner workings of LHP that a residency would just put up with the whole thing is and not complain or or that the situation could and will be kept 'under control', which just of course insures more continuing complaints. Add the insult after all that of trying to blame and slander this residency as an attempt at cheap closure and that also insures the complaints will keep coming. Note: There's been no anonymous blogging or articles by this residency. It's all been up front with reference to the website and Blog where all the information is given as the whole thing was done for really necessary help from anywhere. Anonymous articles are for people who want to complain about really bad unnecessary garbage eyesore buildups during Christmas week, the major offender being the S/Ws, who definately made their finale here with something awful. After all, what did they owe this City? It's clear why the complaining was anonymous and a little vague.The S/Ws did have salaried goons with bad motives protecting and assisting them for a decade plus and who wants to deal with either? Again, Gee Whiz, thank you, To be continued:
repeat:3-6-12.Emailing. Mayor F.Schorr, If there are any complaints about the emailing, please be reminded, they can just be deleted. It's not as if harassing patrol cars are pulling up at any time telling people they have to read them. Harassing patrol cars pulling in at any time telling people they have to put up with dumb things was a LHP trademark for this residency.
It is important that a City is fiscally well run. It is also important that the police dept. is not taken over by salaried goons with bad motives who belligerently assist and cover for one over the top, outrageous residency to harass and stalk another residency into oblivion. There really isn't any excuse for all that except salaried goons with bad motives can do what they want, in LHP. The initial Officers who caused and continued this mess should not be more important than the residency that got stuck putting up with the whole thing.There is still a big reality disconnect within the inner workings of LHP that a residency would just put up with the whole thing is and not complain or or that the situation could and will be kept 'under control', which just of course insures more continuing complaints. Add the insult after all that of trying to blame and slander this residency as an attempt at cheap closure and that also insures the complaints will keep coming. Note: There's been no anonymous blogging or articles by this residency. It's all been up front with reference to the website and Blog where all the information is given as the whole thing was done for really necessary help from anywhere. Anonymous articles are for people who want to complain about really bad unnecessary garbage eyesore buildups during Christmas week, the major offender being the S/Ws, who definately made their finale here with something awful. After all, what did they owe this City? It's clear why the complaining was anonymous and a little vague.The S/Ws did have salaried goons with bad motives protecting and assisting them for a decade plus and who wants to deal with either? Again, Gee Whiz, thank you, To be continued:
3-8-12.Commissioner Becky Lysengen/children/audio
3-8-12.Commissioner Becky Lysengen, As a teacher, pleased be advised, the five and a half years of audio on the website are not suitable for children. However, any and all children on this is property had to put up with it a during the targeted years. The S/Ws were given police protection backed by the City to continue.It has never been explained as to the motive for the continuing protection or the laws used to do it.The five and a half years on the audio follow all the years of the S/Ws' horrific, also intolerable, loud, lengthy family arguments before this residency was targeted.The targeted harassment and stalking, at least one third of the time done while trespassing, -screaming at, threatening, taunting, gloating banging, blasting, blasting made tapes, etc.etc.,along with their lengthy family arguments were done while children were visible here and continued through any visits with children.
There still needs to be explanations, not cover ups.
It would have been nice for this residency if it was told if it was really all over, but not knowing when and if the cleared and covered S/Ws could just start up all over again, is effective leverage.This residency did not know it was over, at least locally, until the moving vans showed up. The S/Ws' mindset was unnerving and determined right until they left. Thank you. -Note:This paragraph below was included in the longer version of this sent email, just before,'There still needs to be explanations...'. It's important to keep the emails orderly.The purpose of the Kruteck subplot is still in question as to actual purpose. Paragraph:"The Krutecks, the longest dwelling, witness neighbor residents, well known for community involvement and socializing with the inner workings of LHP, could perhaps advise with this.The Silvers,having just moved next door, watched and listened to the S/Ws for months, before the targeted harassment and stalking started against this residency".-
Subject: Fw: 3-9-12/purpose/Kruteck3-9-12.The Kruteck meddling has not been explained, along with the rest not having been explained. What was the point? This residency, with obvious valid complaints, did complain through the proper channels from the very beginning. It didn't matter.It also didn't matter how many other people complained, through the years. Law enforcement made it very clear from the beginning that the S/Ws were continuing. This hasn't been explained either.What was the point of the Krutecks? Someone just to watch and listen to it all and then go on as if it was alright? It was very surreal that a few certain neighbors expected this residency to function as if it it wasn't harassed routinely in many vicious ways.The Krutecks just seem like the perfect 'City Yes People'. The City has continually as method tried to keep clearing all this, which won't work, no matter what methods are used. This residency really needed help.That subplot was no help.What was going on?
Subject: 3-10-12.Situation unresolved.3-10-12.Situation unresolved. 3-10-12.This situation remains unresolved. Juggling around paperwork trying to cover it up won't work.This residency had to put up with the reality of the full blown mess, routine hours and hours for years of harassment and stalking- screaming at, threatening, trespassing, taunting, gloating, banging blasting, screech singing, blasting made tapes, etc., etc. along with everything else including their routine family fights, against anyone who dared to be on this property- all with unethical, illegal, and flat out dumb police protection.
Putting up with all that shouldn't be just nullified by any agenda based person/Officer/Attorney writing something up -to satisfy the Chief, to satisfy the Mayor, to satisfy the his wife. Who was/is running this City? None of that satisfies the problem or the the issues.That method just means that that is what is going on instead of solving the problem and dealing with the issues. This is a case of a small City that couldn't do something right that would have easy to do right.
This juggling agenda based paperwork won't work.This situation remains unresolved, no matter who thinks they're temporarily satisfying whomever.
Leaving this residency dangling is only one small method in all the ways this residency was treated unfairly. However, explaining how something got stopped would mean something was going on, and one of the dumbest methods tried to be used, unsuccessfully, especially during the first really horrific five and a half years, was to try to say nothing was going on, or to try to use that 'in the past' method for incidents that had happened, were currently happening, and would happen in the future.The initial Officers who caused and continued this mess should not be still employed and salaried.They are not more important than any residency putting up with this. There isn't any residency that would put up with any part of this. Any residency would be complaining.
Putting up with all that shouldn't be just nullified by any agenda based person/Officer/Attorney writing something up -to satisfy the Chief, to satisfy the Mayor, to satisfy the his wife. Who was/is running this City? None of that satisfies the problem or the the issues.That method just means that that is what is going on instead of solving the problem and dealing with the issues. This is a case of a small City that couldn't do something right that would have easy to do right.
How about a poll? How many residencies would want to put up with all this and have to pay and do all that work to try to stop it? Thank you
.3-13-12/Lying 3-13-12 Repeat complaint. Mayor Schorr, Please be reminded... lying about, vilifying, blaming, and slandering this residency as an attempt at quick closure and to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of the decade plus situation , are not acceptable and won't work and won't work with new inquirers.This situation remains unresolved.
3-17-12 .Mayor F.Schorr, Mr.J. Lavisky, Please be aware that this residency deserves and wants reimbursement and now damages. No residency should have to pay that much and put up with that much because of really bad police work.The S/Ws and the initial Officers who made up and continued those bad police policies are not more important than any residency, and it should not have been the City's priority to protect, cover, and clear them. This residence was left dangling never knowing if and when the S/Ws and their police would just start up all over again, very good leverage. That part was not over for this residency until the S/Ws actually sold and moved at the end of Dec.2011. The statute of limitations excuse is not arguable.Neither are all the other excuses the City and law enforcement flim flamed about trying to cover all this up.There are no residencies that would not be complaining. To be continued:
Note:The spacing on this Blog has not been done for emphasis.There have been several attempts, each time when adding a new post, to standardize the spacing, and the Blog will not maintain that.Thank you.