Thursday, March 27, 2014  Click BLOG on the home page, Website with Audio, four BLOGS follow Lori Watras Lori Starr Watras John Watras Mel Starr are the S/Ws
Lori Watras, Lori Starr, John Watras, Mel Starr are The S/Ws   The Starr/Watras s(plural)
LHP Mayor G. Troast, LHP City Administrator J.Lavisky, LHP Chief Ross Licata, LHP City Atty. M.Cirullo

( #6 Part One)
11-1-11.Is this request going to be honored or covered up?Thank you.
Subject: 10-29-11/LaMarca/transparency and disclosure
10-29-11.Re: Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca,
Lighthouse Point is in Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca's District, is his home City, and he was a LHP City Commissioner  for years before becoming a Broward County Commissioner.
There is a concern and a necessity for disclosure and transparency regarding what LHP did and is doing concerning the LHP decade situation. Will  Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca or his staff provide or assist in this disclosure, in a timely manner? Transparency, disclosure, and ethics are important to to Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca's agenda, so providing and helping with this should be something he would be very interested in and concerned about.
LHP is a small City where people are in constant contact and meet regularly so providing and expediting this service should not be a burden. Thank you.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.THIS STANDARD EMAIL ENDING DOS NOT NEED TO NE REPEATED AFTER EVERY POSTED EMAIL.
10-28-11 email/still dangling
Subject.10-31-11 Re:Transparency and Disclosure. Mayor F.Schorr, A request has been made for disclosure and transparency regarding what LHP was and is doing concerning the decade situation. It was not just rude to leave this residency dangling. It was also too controlling as nothing normal could be planned without knowing if the S/Ws would just start up all over again, and they threatened and taunted they would. That last extensive method, thirteen plus months of that intolerable repetitive cd technique,a torture technique,with Lori announcing there would only be tapes of music as evidence as opposed to the screaming, threatening, banging, taunting, etc.,etc.was the finale, as the S/W could just put small equipment in their yard to do that and threatened to start that up again. After all those months, even 15 minutes wasn't tolerable by anyone's standards. If I sat in this backyard, I tried to not let them see me just so it wouldn't start up. Leaving this residency dangling also could have been payback for daring to complain about the S/Ws and their law enforcement and City protection. Leaving this residency dangling might have been the only option as to not have to explain how all those things were allowed to go on for so long before. Company had long stopped coming here.People who spent years visiting here did not even come back for one last visit before they died. Andy's sister did not come back for one last visit to the house she was raised in starting in in her preteen years.Company had to be met in restaurants and elsewhere and rerouted to the Boca condo. Nothing could be planned here.The S/Ws went after everyone with every technique.There was a whole group of people, who were already completely exasperated by the S/Ws lengthy, loud, screaming, family fights with the blasting and the banging, from the time they moved into LHP, in the years before the S/Ws directly targeted this residency. The direct targeting was a whole new thing to put up with. The Sett.Agree./Injunction, the expensive and time consuming Sett.Agee./Injunction, should have stopped and prevented the problem but it was disregarded and the S/Ws were given more protection and clearing.   
 Disclosure and transparency: Belligerent dumb people made this belligerent dumb mess. It would not be a good idea to try again to use belligerent dumb excuses and lies.The three and a half years stuck talking to the Chief while all this was still going after the first horrific five and a half years,was more than a little exasperating.He is not a good liar,but he didn't have to be Cops can lie.The cops responsible for starting this mess at the beginning sure did. Re: Chief-Already discussed.See posted emails,Blog. Using things like trying to say the S/Ws just stopped things on their own was ridiculous, especially if it was a really effective intolerable harassment technique which they would never give up, while they were still threatening to do more.-Note:The first five and a half targeted years were really really bad with the S/Ws' lengthy screaming at, threatening, banging, blasting, blasting made tapes ,taunting, trespassing,etc.,etc.-At the beginning of the three and a half years spent stuck talking to the Chief, the Chief did say that screaming at this residency for hours was was inappropriate behavior and would not be tolerated. OK.So it just went to shorter lengths with longer intervals, still loud,vicious and threatening, which was still intolerable because you never knew when it would be done and everything else continued with all the other methods,the S/Ws still protected and cleared to continue,so this little assistance or concession did not really help or solve the overall big problem.-
Again,-the request for disclosures and transparency as to what LHP was and is doing regarding the decade situation.This residency should not have been left dangling .Any other resident would be asking. And any resident would have been complaining about the whole thing all along. To be continued.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................
Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain.
This situation remains unresolved.    
10-31-11.Mayor F.Schorr, Re: LHP decade
This residency has already suffered enough.
This residency is not going to put up with the stigma of being blamed.
There's already been enough damage done with that, and that is only one part of the whole problem.
When formulating an explanation for all this, again, all parties should govern themselves accordingly. 
Thank you.If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................
11-2-11.As a routine through the decade plus, the S/Ws have continually thrown trash, trimmings, etc.over here between the interior properties. Please be reminded of the fiasco of that 6ft.by18ft. piece of heavy shadowbox fence thrown and left here after the Sett.Agree. to prevent that. As a routine in the past years, something has was always been thrown between the properties, sometimes one item at a time, just so this residency has to come out pick it up.Lately it's been getting worse. A ripped garbage can lid was left for four days next to this driveway until I finally just picked it up, so of course Lori came out complaining about where their garbage can lid was, and then you have to worry about them calling their cops, because as you may have heard, the S/Ws' cop protection has been bizarre through the decade plus.
However, today with gallon water jugs and another cardboard box right next to this driveway, I just threw them back onto their property, a first, still a gutsy move, after the decade plus of their already stated bizarre cop protection.If they want a patrol car, please remind them that it is a Sett. Agree violation to throw stuff over  here to begin with.
Taken out of context, this is a weird email. However, in context, this email is the result of unfair,bizarre police policies.Thank you.
11-3-11.We now and will have for a few more days,a different car in this driveway.There are no visitors or company staying here with that car.There are no people on this property that the S/Ws can say are harassing them by being here.Thank you.
Unfortunately,this keeps getting worse.
Subject: 11-3-11/Girl Power in LHP/Who runs the city?/legacy     
11-3-11.Girl Power in LHP/ Who Runs the City?/Legacy
A mayor's wife may be concerned about any blemishes on the legacy and history of a mayor's service years.
However, continuing a bad mess and trying to cover up a bad mess is already a big one. It's already been done.There's been a tendency to try to keep this website,blog, and emails on some sort of civilized stance. However,even if less than that standard, it should be stated that, regarding a mayor's wife, marrying into brains is not an prerequisite or entitlement for meddling into city and law enforcement matters with an agenda when there seems to be an obvious lack of substance to do either.The displayed mentality is more suited for the gossip circuit agenda, and while nothing can be done about that as that will always be around, there is a definite line crossed about moving any agenda back and forth from that into city and law enforcement matters.
That can also be said about Commissioner S.Johnson, whose cuckoo pushy style/agenda through the years seems to have crossed the boundries between the gossip circuit agenda and the agenda of city and law enforcement messes.
This residency had to put up with the reality of this whole decade plus mess.
This residency will not be vilified,blamed or slandered to cover it up.
Anyone involved in the fluff cover ups, either gossip circuit or official, is pretty much now known by this time as doing just that.
In the mayoral capacity, the fiscal responsibility has been extraordinary and laudable. However letting the S/Ws and their police run loose in a city for a decade plus and trying to cover it up is now an indelible part of LHP history and of the mayoral legacy, no matter how much certain meddling and pushy people dance and prance. 
A residency does not need an official capacity to fight back.
Vilifying, blaming, and slandering a residency to cover up won't work and won't be tolerated, especially regarding a really stupid mess, one that should have been straightened out at the very beginning.
The bottom line should not be patronizing anyone's self indulgent image desires. 
It is frustrating to remain polite.There is coarser more direct language that could be used to describe all this, especially with a city and law enforcement being so underhanded and dirty for years. It won't be used, yet. Thank you.To be continued.
11-4-11.It wasn't a good idea to leave a residency dangling after a decade plus mess.It wasn't a good idea to leave a residency dangling after a decade plus mess after all the time and expense the residency put into trying to stop it all.
It wasn't a good idea to leave a residency dangling after a decade plus mess after all the time and expense the residency put into trying to stop it all and expect the residency to never inquire or complain
It isn't a good idea for anyone to just be calling around trying to figure out how to whitewash this again. Predictable is predictable.Thank you.
11-5-11.It's not a good idea to send this matter back to the Chief to define as he lied/lies like a preteen which was and is just fine with the inner workings of LHP as they just want the mess they made out of this covered up. This was after all a basic textbook harassment and stalking situation and the inner workings of LHP couldn't even handle that without making a big circus out of it involving everyone. Frivolous, substandard actions for years and years. 
This residency had and will have its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/W cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP wiill be defined this way.
It's almost pointless to say again to stop the lying and slandering. It's like talking to a preteen, except that in that situation, usually grown ups step in and straighten things out.
It's not a good idea to keep trying to do this.The varying attempts at cover ups and lying and slandering won't work and should not be used. No one would put up with this.To be continued.
What legal procedure are the Chief and the City using for not explaining what happened?
This may be a situation of being caught between a rock and a hard place. 
There may be a difficulty,with the continual explanation of nothing going on, explaining how nothing going on got stopped.
It wasn't a good idea for law enforcement and the City to protect the S/Ws for over a decade and put out all those lies and spins.There is no other residency that would have wanted to put up with the whole thing and would want to to be left dangling.
Anyway, what is the legal procedure being for not explaining what happened? Is an Attorney going to explain why and how there was/is no explanation? Stating a legal procedure is not a lie, but law enforcement and the City should be very careful about not lying any more.The self indulgent invincibility factor only goes so far and may be used up.Thank you.
Vilifying, blaming, lying about, and slandering a residency for slick closure and cover up for a big mess law enforcement and a city made won't work.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................
This is not a complaint  against anyone who may have actually tried to help in the past decade.
11-7-11.Approx.9:45A.M. Surveyors started working on the S/Ws' property.I managed to talk to them where the S/Ws could not see.They had already started flagging and marking this interior property line out to 35 Ct .I explained the interior mesh fence and was told straight out that the mesh fence was on this property and in fact there was four more inches that this residency could have used.So much for the big hoopla, lies,and ruckus the S/Ws caused getting their patrol cars here to complain that it was their property,at a minimum, four visits, four patrolmen and four patrol cars just for that one episode. There still is no explanation as to why the S/Ws were allowed to trespass while they harassed and stalked,interior out to 35 Ct. After six years and months of targeted harassment in that interior area, the mesh fence,one they couldn't bang on, was put up to keep them out, as the Sett.Agree./Injunction to not trespass did not keep them out, and there was no help with that.The S/Ws had just taken and had been using that interior part as theirs and had their intolerable screaming family fights there entering and exiting for years before they targeted this residency. 
I did talk to the surveyors once again while one of them was in this backyard, and Mr.Starr came out and said something to them to the effect that they did not trim that tree or clean that east side of their property because we put the wooden fence back too far on our side.(?) There was no conversation between Mr.Starr I talked to the surveyor at the south corner of this property while he standing here, and Mr Starr was talking to one of them just outside his sliding glass door. 
There shouldn't be any 'harassment' complaints coming from the S/Ws about my talking to the surveyor on this property, but for years and years, their patrol car backup for whatever they wanted was intense and unfair.To be continued:
11-8-11.Flim flam again? If the Chief is going to try something like,well, the S/Ws are moving so there is no problem and so no explanation is necessary, he needs to be reminded there was a very big problem on his watch which this residency got stuck with including being stuck with his flim flam trying to explain the whole thing away while it was still going on and flim flam to cover for the officers involved in the first five and a half years.
The way this whole thing has been handled doesn't lend any confidence as to how it will be handled.It wouldn't be a surprise if the above excuse were tried.The Chief, after one of many bad episodes on his watch, said that the the S/Ws were going to put up their own interior fence and wouldn't see Andy in his pool, so they wouldn't call the police on him. (???) See emails,blog,insert dates, concerning the Chief's methods of handling and clearing all this.A very loose cannon with a slopy agenda.
There are no residencies that wouldn't be complaining about the whole thing or asking for disclosure and transparency as to what happened after being left dangling. Any more varying attempts at cover up won't work.To be continued:
11-5-11.It's not a good idea to send this matter back to the Chief to define as he lied/lies like a preteen which was and is just fine with the inner workings of LHP as they just want the mess they made out of this covered up. This was after all a basic textbook harassment and stalking situation and the inner workings of LHP couldn't even handle that without making a big circus out of it involving everyone. Frivolous, substandard actions for years and years. 
This residency had and will have its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/W cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP wiill be defined this way.
It's almost pointless to say again to stop the lying and slandering. It's like talking to a preteen, except that in that situation, usually grown ups step in and straighten things out.
It's not a good idea to keep trying to do this.The varying attempts at cover ups and lying and slandering won't work and should not be used. No one would put up with this.To be continued.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................This situation remains unresolved
What legal procedure are the Chief and the City using for not explaining what happened?
This may be a situation of being caught between a rock and a hard place. 
There may be a difficulty,with the continual explanation of nothing going on, explaining how nothing going on got stopped.
It wasn't a good idea for law enforcement and the City to protect the S/Ws for over a decade and put out all those lies and spins.There is no other residency that would have wanted to put up with the whole thing and would want to to be left dangling.
Anyway, what is the legal procedure being for not explaining what happened? Is an Attorney going to explain why and how there was/is no explanation? Stating a legal procedure is not a lie, but law enforcement and the City should be very careful about not lying any more.The self indulgent invincibility factor only goes so far and may be used up.Thank you.
Vilifying, blaming, lying about, and slandering a residency for slick closure and cover up for a big mess law enforcement and a city made won't work.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................This situation remains unresolved
.11-9-11.A request has been made for disclosure and transparency as to what was done regarding the decade plus situation in LHP. A residency should not have been left dangling.
A Chief's main concern about a decade plus situation should not be annoyance anyone dared to criticize and what to do about the criticism. This has already been a problem while the main problem was still intensely going on and certainly did not help in stopping the main problem.What was the point of all the unprofessional, unethical, and flat out dumb undertakings covering and clearing the S/Ws and their protection and continuing the problem? The loose cannon approach was and is now worrisome as to what will come up next with annoyance about criticism, which once again should not be the main point. What was/ is the rationale in thinking no one would ever complain?
The S/W's reinforced  mindset is still very belligerent, unnerving, and bad. They would if they could, and will, given opportunity, something that will probably have to be dealt with for a long time.
Again, the request for disclosure and transparency as to what was done regarding the decade plus situation in LHP? Minus the subplot of annoyance about criticism.Thank you.
11-10-11.Getting out of replying/. This problem goes back to the very beginning when the officers involved concocted such  bizarre police policies for handling this.
In the beginning years of all this, insert date, Det.L.Hawkins stated in Deposition that he could not bring the parties to a satisfactory conclusion. (?)
Well, a satisfactiory conclusion is not that the S/Ws deliberately target-and harass, stalk, trespass, scream at, threaten, taunt, bang, blast, etc., etc., etc., for hours and hours a day as routine, with police protection, along with their intolerable screaming family fights.This is not a satisfactory conclusion by anyone's standards, which is why it ended up in Circuit Court to stop it. By anyone's standards, listening to and watching all this, the situation was unbelievable as it continued and continued. 
Det.L.Hawkins still had the unmititgated gall to state that in Deposition anyway. Kind of like standing in the middle of a flooded house with broken pipes with a plumber and having the plumber say what's the problem with this. Except that in that kind of a situation, you can just call another plumber to get things done right..
The Chief may have a problem explaining all this and may just be looking for a way legally to not have to reply/answer, because at this point, it is really dumb to lie. 
Broward County Commissioner C LaMarca also may have a problem explaining all this and may just be looking for a way legally to not have to reply/answer, because at this point, it is really dumb to lie. 
It was really insulting and unnerving when at the beginning of the tenth year, Det.L.Hawkins received the Keepers Days Award, the parade ending in front of this residency. However, ultimately, he did reflect the spirit of LHP with the existing spirit of the inner workings of LHP. It was also insulting and sickening when he showed up on C.LaMarca's election campaign website and flyer,when he was campaigning on ethics, well, obviously specific ethics.  To be continued: 
Again, transparency and disclosure as to what happened in the LHP decade situation/mess? It wasn't good to leave a residency dangling.  And, vilifying ,blaming, lying about, and slandering a residency to try to cover up a really bad situation/mess won't work.No one would put up with any of this. Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................This situation remains unresolved.
11-11-1.Lori fit act/ Not directed at us. Fri.late afternoon.Bad arguing coming from their main house, audible into this backyard, Lori and Mr.Starr. Apparently something is not going right with the house sale and Lori was furious yelling she hated it here and wanted to move.What was unnerving was Lori resorted to her heavy metal and exorcist voices, she can mimic anything, for her fit, which was on and off as she can start and stop that. She hasn't used that in years.She is a compulsive sociopath who used a crazy act that wouldn't fool doctors but got her what she wanted in LHP. Using this act was obvious, but what was terrifying was her using it to get what she wanted and gloat, along with having to hear it with everything else, along with everything else she used, and how much further she would go, as the compulsive sociopathic trait is very strong and evil, and also how much more would be done if she got lost in it, in the long screaming fights the family was having regularly.
There is a big difference between people who unfortunately have a temporary or permanent chemical imbalance or other problems who don't know what they are doing and need help and driven sociopaths who plot. It appeared as if LHP  used the easiest excuses to give the the S/Ws what they wanted. John is scary because he doesn't have the genetic link to act as he did.
This Friday episode was too reminiscent of the first horrific five and a half years of this mess when this residency and anyone here were targeted with that along with everything else the S/Ws were doing, and had to pay and go through the Circuit Court system to stop that and everything else the SWs were doing with police protection.
 LHP never explained why this was allowed to go on for all those years but LHP is certainly protective of the employees who helped this continue.
It seems as if Mr.Starr doesn't want to move.It might be a problem if they acted up where they wouldn't have the police protection they got here.
Anyway, that was a little too reminiscent of the first horrific five and a half years, see audio tapes-website, and also very scary,as to what will happen when Lori really can't get her way on this one, selling the house and moving to where she wants to be treated better. How far will this go? 
As far as targeting this residency -the realization that people are going to come after you with everything they've got is bad and and horrifying enough. The realization that law enforcement and a city are going to help them do it is equally bad and horrifying. It just expanded a problem that could should have been handled in a maximum of six months.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................
11-11-11.At the beginning of the tenth year of the targeted harassment. just before Det.L.Hawkins was to receive the Keeper Days Award,with  the parade ending in front of this residency with activities throughout the weekend in the park across the street, the overt harassment stopped. 
The wide audience emailing started at the beginning of the ninth year, trying to end this problem, had been done for a year but was not expanded or blogged yet. 
This was a really appreciated lull as the S/Ws had been extensively using the intolerable repetitive cd technique, as method, for over a year, Lori announcing that only only evidence would be tapes of music as opposed to tapes of screaming at, threatening,banging, taunting, etc,.etc.This was a major and effective harassment technique.
However, in this lull, the S/Ws' mindset remained as determined and belligerent as ever,with grumblings and loud backyard 'yell talkings', and Lori would quickly display her equipment as if she would just start it up again when she saw us in this backyard, and of course, their loud backyard discussions of how they were the victims, and loud family arguments and discussions inside their main house, audible into this backyard, of how mad they were and they were always plotting.
This residency had no idea what the lull was about except for better PR for the Keeper Days Award  parade and ceremonies across the street.
The threat of it all just starting up all over again was constant.The Blog was put up and the wide audience emailing was expanded.The S/Ws mindset remained as just described. But the routine overt harassment did not start up, instead some irregular isolated incidents, and the mindset, what has just been described, constantly and intensely for over a year.
What stopped the overt harassment at the beginning of the tenth year? Did the LHPPD/ police finally tell the S/Ws to stop instead of protecting and clearing them?  They obviously didn't want to stop.
There needs to be some disclosure and transparency as to what law enforcement the City did regarding the S/Ws. This residency was left dangling with the threat that the S/Ws and  their law enforcement backup with City backup, all parties covered and cleared, could just start the whole thing up all over again at any time.
The S/Ws were adamant and still are. They will probably still try to cause trouble for a long long time., Being protected and cleared in LHP, what happens if referrals are made back to LHP? 
Again,what stopped the overt harassment at the beginning of the tenth year? Did the LHPPD/ police finally tell the S/Ws to stop instead of protecting and clearing them?  They obviously didn't want to stop.
This residency was left dandling. Maybe that was  the point as payback for daring to complain
.Again, what happened? Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that, .................................This situation remains unresolved.
11-12-11.Explanation/Commissioner Johnson 
LHP Commissioner Sandra Johnson was the first Commissioner approached for help half way through the LHP decade situation. As she appears to be persistent, thorough, and in touch with a lot of people,she probably got right down to the bottom of it and probably kept her eye on it. What is Commissioner S.Johnson's explanation and position on the LHP decade situation? Thank you.11-14-11/transparency- one fence episode/
It was never explained how S/Ws/ Lori could smash this backyard interior fence for over five and a half years until it came down while screaming at, threatening, taunting, etc this residency at the same time,with company and children in this backyard .You have no idea what that sounded like from this side. This residency refused to put another fence up. What residency would? So,the City solved the problem by the $18,000.00 lien process against this residency. Nothing was done to the S/Ws. After a lot of complaining about the lIENein process, a more stalker proof fence was put up in time for the Code Board meeting.The lien was dropped, but this residency still had to pay a $500.00 fine, as the Code board had to 'do work' on this. This was after the over $30,000.00, Sett..Agree./Injunction, and $1,500.00 spent on this and the partial website was up with the over five years of audio.That $500.00 fine was never reimbursed.It was kept.This was in the beginning of the ninth year which started the wide audience emailing for help.
Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca was a LHP City Commissioner. 
There has never been any explanation as to why the first horrific five and a half years were allowed. How did the overt stalking and harassment stop when Det.L.Hawkins was getting his Keeper Days Award at the beginning of the tenth year?There are a lot of questions about all the episodes.
No residency would be not be complaining about all the money spent trying to stop the S/Ws and their law enforcement protection with city backup. There needs to be some disclosure and transparency.
Broward County Commissioner C LaMarca should provide some disclosure and transparency about what happened in his City while he was a LHP City Commissioner.The entire decade should be explained.
It is really difficult narrowing it down to the Top Twenty worst Episodes of the Decade. To be continued.Note:.If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, ................................This situation remains unresolved..