Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ONE#1 Lori Watras, Lori Starr, John Watras, Mel Starr 
are The S/Ws   The Starr/Watras s(plural) 

.1) ,sent emails 2-7-11through the present, follows  which follows The website  home page has a link to the first Blog. A second link will be done to the second Blog.The sent email Blogs are necessary for protection and referral and to stop the misinformation, and lying . FOLLOWS THIS BLOG
Note: All sent emails finish with this ending or a shorter version of it. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the Blogs after every sent email as it takes up too much space.So, the ending from the sent emails will be posted at the beginning and end of the posts. Ending: If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, ................................
Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by the date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain. This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.This ending should have also included the LHP Mayor, City Admin., Code Enfor.,and Officers,at least ten.

#1.subject:2-7-11 through 4-26-11to be blogged/unable to post.
ADD: copycat,code enfor.,appointee/Com.race, S/Ws' behavior/6mos.spraying, emails may have noticed the lawn situation and some other repair work to be done. Well, when there's reimbursement on the $30,000.00 and the $500.00 Code Board fine,that will be taken care of. Until then this residency looks like what happens after a very lengthy LHP involvement.Thank you.
2-7-11.-sent candidate Troast-   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  
Please be aware of this situation This situation has not been resolved.Thank you.
Note:The emailing, the only thing that worked/works, was started at the beginning of the ninth year of all this,and that whole year was another very bad year. This situation required/requires too much expense and upkeep. No LHP resident should have had to put up with any of this. Documents are available. The last segment of the blog is sometimes hard to always get up and is available in print or the whole segment can be emailed out by requesting it.Thank you.
2-9-11.(Re:Troast campaign).As a member of the LHP Code Enforcement Board for the past four years and as an active campaigner for LHP City commissioner, some issues need to be reviewed.
After over five and one half years of the neighbors beating on the backyard interior fence,which was absolutely intolerable, which is just 8 the pool, along with standing right behind it to scream, threaten, blast, taunt, etc.for hours and hours, the fence came down.See website,audio,blog, This residency refused to put another one up.So the Code Board instituted an $18,000.00 lien.That was a good way to solve this problem.One logical,constructive Commissioner did try to help with the overall problem. A more stalker proof fence was put up for some sort of prevention. But the Code Board demanded a $500.00 fine from this residency because 'they had to do work'. That fine should be reimbursed.So should the over $30,000.00  spent trying to stop this mess  Some things cannot just be continually 'cleared' as solution.It doesn't work. At that time, the emailing started, the ninth year into this.The repetitive cd technique went on for a year as did other things.  
2-15-11/LHP update/ Febr.2011.LHP The City's Position on the Decade situation
1.)There is nothing going on, nothing is happening, there is no case.
What? The emailings, the only thing that worked/works was/is still a lot of work.The S/Ws would if they could. Mindset. But, that takes cops to protect,clear, and help harass, and there aren't too many who still want to do that, unless new ones are trained to, with the website, blog, and emailings to a wider audience. This is no longer LHP's little secret.The audience is wider to explain to. And again, this was/is a lot of work especially for a situation that should have been over in a maximum of six months Lori's strategy is to loudly announce she stopped in 09. The S/Ws have loud discussions and arguments, latest last week, over strategy as they never wanted/want to pay the Violation fines.No time limitations.They really never needed or now need 'their' strategy.The had/have the Chief to clear them.
2.)Det./Ofc.L.Hawkins is an excellent employee and should have been rehired and and should be kept employed.No Comment.
3.)There is no reason for reimbursement or damages.That should be changed to every legal maneuver will be used to counteract that no matter how expensive.
It is a reasonable assumption that if the current City Administrator had some control of this at the beginning,'Cops for Starrs' probably never would have happened. Now, he has to make 'city' position/ explanation statements defending the decade.
It was/is really short sided to just think that anyone would just put up with all this, have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to try stop it, and just not complain.With an endeavor this large, someone should have been thinking about the final product.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.
2-17-11.Please be aware of the following situation.It remains unresolved.Thank you.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.
2-22-11. Mayor Schorr, Please be reminded that this residency is not the least bit content about the tens of thousands of dollars spent trying to stop this mess, and the time put into it, while putting up with it.It seemed entirely a little too feasible to the city and to the police that this residency should have to spend all that money trying to stop the S/Ws and their cops, and a little too feasible to the city and the police that nothing should be done about the financial aftermath.Exactly what LHP resident would be content with all this?  
2-26-11.RE:Sun Sentinel,B, Local,page 1. 'LHP 2 candidates run.........'.
LHP is not issue free.The decade situation is a big issue, especially to the residency that put up with it and had to put in all that time and expense.Thank you.
3-1-11.Please be aware that the decade situation has not been resolved.There are no LHP residents that would be happy spending over$30,000.00 on this.The flim flam excuses do not suffice and slandering this residency is not the solution.The police can probably get away with this,but,elected officials, especially when dealing with the press,cannot.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.
3-14-11.If there are any complaints regarding the lawn at his residency and with regard to the cost of replacing and maintaining said lawn.............  perhaps the police could come by and put a new one in, as the police definitely made sure that this residency spent more than any other residency in LHP history just trying to be on the property, while salaried and approved by the City. And please be reminded, this residency never requested reimbursement to pay bills resulting from trying to counteract the police. This residency already had the money and paid up front out of pocket, with no other alternative at the time to stop the problem.- Before wider audience emailing- During the Code Board fence fiasco,ninth year,when John Watras stood next to Mr.Starr at this property line and yelled he hoped the city liened this residency for thousands of dollars and took the house, he definitely was confident enough where their backup was coming from, and that was after the $30,000.00 was spent and the civil document was instated. This residency also got fined by the Code Board after that. It's pretty insipid that these kind of people got all the backup from the police and the City for a decade. And it's pretty insipid that salaried people spend so much time trying to figure out how to dodge inquiries about it. Blaming, vilifying, and slandering this residency are not the solution, especially with press and other Officials' inquiries.This problem started when the screaming, fighting S/Ws moved into LHP.
Apparently, this isn't an 'issue' for the people who continued this and didn't have to put up with any if it.It's still a time consuming issue. If it wasn't for the emailing,.......................  
Gee Whiz, Thank You.
There has been a problem posting the lastest emails into the Blog.The Blog needs to be redone.
3-21-11.Company here for two and one half days.
First time since the ninth year repetitive cd technique,all year,among other things that year.We are into the 12th year.(Since then, there have been two attempts by an adult male for a few days, but he knew he could just get up and leave if the S/Ws really targeted him again.Moderate harassment those times.)
March 17-19th. Company.Two adults. No harassment or stalking. No police visits on behalf of the S/Ws. And, no repetitive cd technique as revenge. Very normal. Very appreciated.
What LHP residents have all had in general for the past decade plus.
Re:3-7-11/There will be company here,two adults,around the 17-19th. Andy's son and daughter-in-law. Moving out of state. Staying for a few days after packing. Daughter already flown out.The son is impaired, waiting for back surgery.
They've already been really targeted for years, especially during the really horrific years- banging, screaming, threatening, taunting, blasting, screech singing, etc.etc. During the ninth year of the blasting repetitive cd technique, they did try to visit.They never came back after that.
Let's hope this visit goes without incident, although the S/Ws will probably consider it harassment that anyone is on this property.This is a new thing to try to have company. We haven't had any for a long time.
There is always the fear that the repetitive cd technique will start up again as revenge for having company.
It took a year to get that to stop,even with a civil Injunction/Sett.Agree. At least twenty five copies of the civil document were mailed out. To be continued:
3-24-11.Mr Lavisky, Please be reminded that the decade situation has not yet been resolved.There are no LHP residents who would accept the amount of expense and time that had to be put into this while puting up with it. And, please be reminded, the Circuit Court Injunction/Sett.Agree.which could have stopped the following bad years was deliberately ignored by the City and law enfor.The solution should not have been to clear and allow this to continue with backup.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.
3-24-11.Mr Lavisky, Please be reminded that the decade situation has not yet been resolved.There are no LHP residents who would accept the amount of expense and time that had to be put into this while puting up with it. And, please be reminded, the Circuit Court Injunction/Sett.Agree.which could have stopped the following bad years was deliberately ignored by the City and law enfor.The solution should not have been to clear and allow this to continue with backup.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.
3-25-11.Mr.Lavisky, A for sale sign was put up yesterday on the S/Ws' property.
Re: The Settlement Agreement/Injunction.
The S/Ws violated every part of that Agreement starting immediately after it was signed, and the Chief/City made sure none of that ever got back to Circuit Court outside this City.The S/Ws did not have to pay any fines and continued, cleared by law enforcement and this City.There's been a lot of complaints about the way that situation was handled. If it had been handled right immediately, the following years might not have happened.The legal situation of the S/Ws moving before any violations and fines were instated, has not been lost or not considered or not noticed by this residency.The situation of the S/Ws retroactively still being liable for the violations committed while residing, after moving, has not been not considered or not noticed by this residency.The impeding and hinderance of the Sett.Agree.Process by law enforcement and the City has not been not considered or not noticed by this residency.Clearing and protecting for over a decade requires explanation.To be continued.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.
There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventially be posted for easier accessability. 3-25,26-11 pool/for sale.3-25-11.If there are any complaints about the pool at the residency, Andy is at the pool parts supply co. right now, as we also want the situation resolved.
3-26-11.Re:S/Ws' residency for sale.This would be a good thing for this residency because when/if Andy wants to semiretire and actually sit in his own backyard, it would be a lot of work emailing 20 people every time he wanted to do that, although 'nothing is going on'.There is no communication or interaction between this residency and the S/Ws. However, the S/Ws are still complaining about how they were abused, they can be watched, and that fence thing all over again.There as some sort of interior fence situation visit Fri. afternoon, but no one came to this residency.The realtor was called for a price inquiry, as we do have people right now looking .I finally did say that I lived next door, there had been a big problem, there was an Injunction, and explained the mesh fence and other fence. The realtor is professional and just wants to sell the house, but it was obvious she had heard something. 
It really is nauseating when the S/Ws get an opportunity to slander this residency to someone new, which I didn't say then, as the main objective is to sell a house.The S/Ws will probably be as troublesome as ever while this endeavor is going on.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventially be posted for easier accessability. 
3-26-11.11:A.M.Mr.Star is pulling out on the wrong side of the road again,and not slowly.This isn't fair to anyone unknowingly making a right turn into 35Ct.Old complaint for months.See emails. I didn't see whether he was giving this residency the finger or not,usual. pattern.It just isn't safe for others.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventually be posted for easier accessability. 
3-28-11.Mr.Lavisky, It would be good for this residency if the S/Ws moved. However, that still leaves the bizarre and expensive mess that law enfor. and the City made protecting them, and the expense and time put in by this residency trying to stop it while putting up with it. And it leaves the Sett.Agree. situation.
Re: The Settlement Agreement/Injunction.From the beginning, the S/Ws violated every part of it and gloated loudly that they could,would, and did.They would just do it and never pay fines.They had the police.
The police reports necessary for the Injunction process:It is common practice for an investigation to take place after filing a complaint. However, in the case of the S/Ws and their protection,the request and the situation was deleted even while the situation was obviously ongoing.
One of the most  outrageous was the ninth year of the deliberate,blasting repetitive, cd technique as mechanism, while they gloated they could because there would only be tapes of music parts,instead of the usual tapes of screaming, threatening, taunting and banging.
It was very obvious when the S/Ws dislodged and flipped  an 18 6 ft. shadowbox fence piece into this backyard and just left it for weeks.This residency was told it could not remove it.
The trespassing and harassing:.After over four months after the instated Injunction, the S/Ws were still boldly trespassing and harassing between the properties.An orange mesh fence had to be put up there for 14 months to stop that and the S/Ws got no less than four different patrolmen and four different patrol cars to try to stop that fence from going up because they didn't want to give up property they had basically stolen and used as theirs.You would have thought that close to six years of hard/intense harassing, stalking threatening, and taunting, while trespassing, on that area would have been enough for them, but they wanted more and they did have police protection and clearing. There's more,on the website,emails,and BLOG.
If the situation were reversed regarding the Sett.Agree./Injunction, the S/Ws would probably be screaming day and night."Pay up!",with police protection and would probably be trespassing while screaming this.
The S/Ws remain confident they beat the Injunction and the Injunction fines.
Any investigation into this has been and will be a whitewash to cover for them and is probably that now.
They can gloat with good reason.
The Sett.Agree./Injunction was necessary after the first horrific five and one half years of trespassing , harassing, stalking, threatening, taunting, blasting, banging, etc.,etc,.etc., as routine.They had protection for that too.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventually be posted for easier accessability. 
Correction: 3-29,30-11-moving 3-30-11.Note:There is a correction to be made in this email before blogging. It is important to correct and clarify because it has become common to try and find flaws, no matter how irrelevant, in this residency's complaints while clearing the big picture.
Edit, not blogged.3-29-11. If and when the S/Ws sell their residency, it will be a big relief to this residency.However, please be reminded,this has been textbook stalking and harassing with sociopathic driven behavior as routine to continue, for years,with bizarre,biased police and city backup,protection, and clearing.The prospect of removal from the advantage proximity of sitting victims could cause a jumble in the psyche of said people.In other words,if moving, they are facing the prospect of not having someone convenient to harass and that's been a strong routine protected drive.There could be a last ditch attempt at making trouble. Lori was on a rant for hours yesterday, yelling inside their house not really discernible, but it seemed to be about the interior backyard fence.
They will probably be a problem for life, but with the website, blog, and emails for referral,and with hopefully not the help they got here, it could be controlled. It will probably be anonymous calls,or complaints that they saw anyone from this residency where they live or work, or someone from this residency tried to run them off the road,etc.etc.,whatever they think of, which is still easier than having them right next door.
Perhaps someone from the astute inner circle that ran this mess could purchase that residency.At least there would be real property for the expense and time put into it, as opposed, say, to this residency putting all that time and expense into trying to stop the mess.
Correction or Delete- Andy's parents built their first residency in LHP in 1957.-First in Ft. Lauderdale,1956,second in N.E. Pompano,1957or 1958. This residency was built in 1966 and a lot of people have been here with a lot of history. He(Andy)  refused to sell this residency no matter how long and hard the neighbors screamed they could make him do it.And with all that going on next door,see emails, this residency could not even be leased out.The mayor's wife was right, when half way into this, she announced in her C.O.P.uniform and with her C.O.P. patrolcar,"you should have moved!". With the bizarre,biased police and city situation, it was just an uphill battle. There have never been any apologies for any of this. It remains to be seen what the attitude will. be if and when the S/Ws move, but,the LHP style has been flim flam excuses and explanations.
Let's hope,if the S/Ws do move, the remaining time won't be a lot of trouble. To be continued: 
3-30-11.The City of Lighthouse Point still has not given any plausible explanation as to why the S/Ws were protected,covered, and cleared for over a decade, and why the Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction was disregarded and impeded.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventually be posted for easier accessability.
3-31-11.Mayor Schorr, Please be rminded that this residency is not the least bit happy about the expense of the past decade plus, or about all the time that had to be put into trying to stop a life-altering situation while putting up with it.With an endeavor this large and lengthy, someone should have been thinking about the end results.This is nothing any LHP resident would just accept. If the S/Ws move, it would be good for this residency.However, the overall picture remains unresolved.Thank you.
Note:This is a current complaint3-31-11.This is not a complaint 'in the past'.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates.All  final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventually be posted for easier accessability.
3-30-11.The City of Lighthouse Point still has not given any plausible explanation as to why the S/Ws were protected,covered, and cleared for over a decade, and why the Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction was disregarded and impeded.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  There still is a problem getting that last segment of the Blog up where there is a lot of information, so it will be rearranged or put onto another format. Until then,it is available in print or by emailing.Thank you.There's been a problem posting into the BLOG. Unposted emails will eventually be posted for easier accessability.
4-6-11.If the emails are somewhat annoying, it is the only way to keep the LHPPD/Chief and their City backed protection from acting up,and this required/requires a lot of work on the part of this residency.Commissioner LaMarca was not any solution. He just went along with the flim flam coverups.That may be harder to do now.The only help is a wider audience.The bizarre LHP decade plus situation could/cannot be stopped by any standard avenue.Thank you.
4-7-11.Re:Fine.Reimbursement.4-7-11.I really didn't expect anything better than this. Regardless of the whole $30,000.00 decade plus ordeal where 'anything goes' and did, with regard to law enforcement and City behavior, this residency is supposed to follow the stricter rules. The question still remains as to why law enforcement and the City behaved that way.This overall situation remains unresolved. It is still a reasonable assumption that if the City Administrator had handled or had any controlling input with this from the beginning, the overall mess might not have happened. Now, it's inexplicable explanations with regard to the whole situation.This is a professional reply with regard to this one matter.
However, the fine should not have been instated.Thank you.
4-7-11.Mr.Lavisky, Thank you for your quick professional response.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: John Lavisky <>
To: aseahorse <>
Cc: Glenn Troast Forward <>
Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 10:04:21 AM
Subject: RE: 4-5-11/Com.Troast 
Dear Ms. Pfistner:
This email is in response to your email below. 
Sec. 2-262.  Appeals.
An aggrieved party, including the city commission, may appeal a final administrative order of the code enforcement board to the circuit court. Such an appeal shall not be a hearing de novo but shall be limited to appellate review of the record created before the code enforcement board. An appeal shall be filed within 30 days of the execution of the order to be appealed.
John D. Lavisky
City Administrator
2200 N.E. 38th Street
Lighthouse PointFlorida 33064
954-784-3434 work
954-658-7606 cell
954-784-3446 fax
4-5-11.Commissioner G.Troast, 
As you have had some affiliation with the LHP Code Enforcement and Code Board, what is the recourse for reimbursement on an imposed fine,$500.00?  Please be reminded that the refusal to put that interior backyard fence up was because the neighbors smashed it and banged on it, as routine, no matter who was in this backyard, for approx. five and one half years until it came down. Among doing a lot of other things.You have no idea what that sounds like from this side, as that fence runs along the pool only eight feet off of it. This residency had already spent $30,000.00(correction-not $30,000,00) and had gone through the Circuit Court system trying to stop that harassing, stalking, trespassing problem. It was also very unpleasant when, before the Code Board meeting, John Watras stood next to Mr.Starr right on this backyard property line and yelled he hoped the City leined this residency for thousands of dollars and took the house.Unpleasant, but not unexpected..Those neighbors had always been really brazen and really protected. It was quite a shock when the City decided the best overall solution to this problem was to lien this residency for $18,000.00. It was also an unpleasant surprise when the Code Board decided to fine this residency $500.00 because it had 'to do work' on this. At that meeting,I was shocked and immediately asked if that could be appealed. No answer Meeting immediately over. Done deal. I made several inquiries as to how this could be appealed and was given no assistance. Done deal.
This is only one part or one episode in the decade mess.This and the whole situation has been described at length in the website, emails,and BLOG, all necessary for protection.
That fine should be reimbursed .Thank you.To be continued:
4-8-11.Mayor F.Schorr, This is a repeat statement/complaint.However,as Mayor, maybe you should have been paying a little more attention to what was actually happening in your city,instead of just glossing over it hoping it would just go away. Although,in LHP, there are plenty of LHP 'groupies' loyal to this City and law enforcement, they don't substantiate with facts and would probably not have been able to put up with any of this for a month, and probably wouldn't have had to,because as LHP 'groupies', they would have gotten protection.In the legal civil arena, there is plenty a city and law enforcement can do to really tie up the procedure.However, expecting any residency to just tolerate all this,still with prospects of more problems, is highly speculative as a working solution/conclusion. Thank you.
4-11-11.Mayor F.Schorr, Is the City's position/argument still that the City is not responsible for the negligent act of government workers?That certainly did enable to clear the parties responsible for the initial horrific years and enable the situation to continue.Thank you.
4-13-11.Isn't there some sort of mayoral capacity that could have stopped all this? When the Mayor was asked for help, the city reply was that the City is not responsible for the negligent acts of government workers.Thank you.Note; Halfway through this, the mayor's wife pulled up in her C.O.P uniform in her C.O.P. patrol car and announced, "You should have moved!". About a year later, the above reply was given.
4-14-11/LHP Sett./Agree. from third segment
4-14-11.There has been no explanation as to why this Circuit Court/Judge enforced Document was just disregarded by law enforcement and the City.If the S/Ws had been fined just once at the very beginning, the following years might not have been so bad. The six years before the instated Document were bad enough, and costly. All this has been explained on the website and blogged emails.Thank you.
SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT/INJUNCTION-From Segment three in the BLOG.Other similiar information throughout the emails and BLOG.
12-02-08.Settlement Agreement/InjunctionWhen the Sett.Agree./Injunction was drafted and signed,there were a lot of big issues that had to be stopped,the harassing,stalking,screaming,threatening, banging,trespassing,lying to law enfor.etc.,etc.,and the blasting tape/cd situation/technique and Lori making tapes/cds,threatening and talking to us so she could play them in the backyard without having to come out and do it herself for convenience to harass, was discussed.The S/Ws were in their Atty.'s office and Andy and I were in ours for the final drafting and signing, and both Attys. were in constant contact on the phone over the issues,the Counterpart/ Facsimile Signature legal process being used,pg. 6, #11.This tape/cd situation was one of the last ones discussed while we all were at our Attys'offices finishing drafting this.I did suggest to my Atty. that they should be out with this when it was going on,thinking that might stop it as it was nothing they would put up with.That was layman's terms and not used. Used was:Pg.3 E)Excerpt."They shall not engage in conduct that would be offensive to a reasonable person."andPg.3 F)"They agree to keep audible activity in their backyard within reasonable limits".Both the S/Ws and their Atty. knew what that was what that was for,as that was one of the last things discussed and that was meant to resolve that,among the other issues.Again, the S/Ws and their Atty. knew,at the final drafting and signing,all in attendence,that that,pg.3E),F), was what it was for,and to stop and resolve that situation,cd/tape/radio, with recourse.After the instated injunction,the situation with that already explained: With the orange plastic fence, necessary and also a visual aid put up between the garages to stop the trespassing, banging, harassing,yelling,etc.,there,and with no interior fence and then an interior fence with visibility,8 ft. off the pool,to stop Lori from standing behind it screech singing, threatening,and talking to us,let alone banging, screaming,yelling threats,and spraying over it,etc.,etc., with all or some of them right out with her, they opted for the tape/cd technique and used it extensively ,feeling protected in LHP, as if the LHP situation would stop anything with theInjunction and it did.They know what they are doing,and have said they are doing it, and in LHP,they can.When the Injunction was drafted, they didn't say they didn't do any of it,they just knew in LHP, they could.Hence the necessary Injunction,which they violated and the city disregarded.This is still shocking,the behavior of both parties.The only option,I had was to start emailing, as all of this was beyond belief, again.
4-18-11.City Outlook Update.
4-18-11.Mayor F.Schorr, Please be reminded,this decade plus has been a costly disaster for this residency, the ramifications still being dealt with at present. In case no one thought of it, it is impossible to run a normal residency with efficiency, with chronic, routine stalking, harassment, trespassing, banging, threatening, taunting. blasting,etc.,etc., among other things,   protected and cleared by salaried cops who could just leave and go home where they would never put up with any of this where they live.
The inner city agenda of 'in the past', 'nothing going on', 'no issues', is lame considering emails had/have to be sent to a large amount of people and organizations outside the city to keep law enforcement and the city from acting up and letting the S/Ws loose with protection. It is just as lame as the S/Ws still loudly complaining that they were/are the victims.That's pretty much down to they can be looked at and they don't like the fence. Both parties act like nine years old who think if they lie and verbalize it,it will be true.This kind of only works in both small circles There are people outside these two circles who watch and  get it.
Blaming,vilifying, and slandering this residency are not the solution. It is entirely too vapid that anyone would think to continue this as good agenda cover up.
Gee Whiz, Thank you.To be continued:
4-19-11/LHP/ 4-19-11.City of LHP: What laws were used by the LHPPD to keep the S/Ws stalking, harassing, trespassing, threatening, taunting,lying, banging, blasting. etc.,etc.,etc.for the first five and one half years? What laws was the Chief using for the next three and on half years to clear the S/Ws and their cops and to keep the situation going at a lesser rate? What laws were used to disregard the Sett.Agree./Injunction which could have stopped it right then? Det./Officer Larry Hawkins is one of the most well publicized, decorated Officers in LHP history. What laws was he using? There's been a lot of juvenile belligerency in keeping this situation going and constant evasiveness in explaining why.Whose idea was it that there wouldn't be any complaining about all this?
The S/Ws have been continually protected and cleared for over a decade to just start up again. They would if they could. Mindset. If it wasn't for the emailings,...................................
4-21-11.Re: Just noticed,approx.11A.M.,a code enforcement notice left on this front door.Lawn condition.I believe I've already said this residency looks like what a residency  looks like after a lengthy involvement with LHP.  Emails regarding this topic to be resent.There has been a blatant costly unfairness in the way this residency has been treated in the past decade.To be continued:
Attention: Toni Palmieri. LHP Code Enforcement
4-21-11.Mr. Lavisky, Andy wanted me to inquire as to what the water restrictions were going to be. Obviously, something needs to be done with the south part of the front lawn, but we, through the years, have been preoccupied. Maybe you heard. We never really got correct paper work on the last code enforcement fence fiasco, so Andy is obviously concerned as to what the City will pull next.It was never the intention to let this residency get run down, but as you may have heard, there were other pressing issues, such as how to actually be on this property and the escalating costs. So,will there be water restrictions? It might be better to put in shade trees and just remove the weeds.Thank you.To be continued:
4-21-11.Commissioner Glen Troast, Having had some experience with code situations,advice may be good.This residency has never been treated fairly in a number of matters.Thank you. 
 4-22-11/code4-22-11. If there appears to have been a undue ruckus over a lawn code violation notice...................,  please be reminded, there has been a decade plus of incidents after incidents, expensive, horrifying incidents, with a lot of lying and cover ups. Any action is suspect of trouble, possible expensive trouble, code enfor. already having been an unnecessary problem controlled by law enfor.When an entire city services one residency,continual harassers and stalkers, and lies to cover it up,-'nothing happened', 'in the past',- nothing good is ever anticipated. In the ninth year,a very bad intolerable year, the emailing started to try to stop it,and it took an entire year of that just to get anything near normal.With the emailing going out of this City to a wider audience, there is a better chance of law enforcement and the city not acting up.
I actually was on the phone complaining to Atty. M.Cirullo's receptionist about the decade plus situation just before I noticed the code violation notice on the front door.That phone call was not made because of that notice. That call had already been done. So had the emails not related to the lawn thing.That call was a big picture complaint about the decade plus behavior and the expense.Who wouldn't be complaining?Note: The phone call from Toni Palmieri was professional. There probably won't be any backhanded extra trouble with this now.And please be reminded, this residency did pay more than any other residency in LHP history just trying to be on the property.That $30,000.00 and all that legal work and other time consuming work to stop all this was/is no joke.
4-26-11.Attorney M.Cirullo,The City needs to stop slandering this residency.
The S/Ws had the police and this residency had to pay to try to stop both.
This was a life altering situation.
It is more than a little revolting to hear watered down versions to cover and clear those involved.
Reputation ruining as method is juvenile. However, outside this City, the City's reputation is not doing so well. The only thing that worked/works was/is the emailing to a wider audience started in the ninth year.Thank you. 
Sent emails 2-9-11through 4-26-11not blogged yet. 
4-25-11.Did anyone from the City tell the Chief to not allow any reports necessary for the Sett.Agree./Injunction process, or did the Chief decide this on his own? The Chief was directly spoken to from 5-05 through 10-08.It didn't seem as if there was anyone else higher up in the police station who would be telling him what to do. So,was the decision to negate all reports necessary for the violations process,  the City telling the Chief to do that, or the Chief deciding this on his own? Who is responsible for this? There are a lot of emails on the BLOG regarding the report situation. They can be resent.
4-25-1.Did anyone from the City ever think it would just be easier to stop and settle all this instead of constantly talking talking to Attys. on how to continue clear and cover all this up? In case anyone hasn't noticed,that didn't/doesn't work, from the beginning.
Tying to slander and lie about this residency isn't working either.That should stop immediately.
Note: All sent emails have this ending at the end. It is not necessary to print this after every sent  email on the Blog as it takes up too much space. Ending:. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.This ending should have also included the LHP Mayor, City Admin., Code Enfor.,and Officers,at least ten. Note: All sent emails finish with this ending or a shorter version of it. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the Blogs after every sent email as it takes up too much space.So, the ending from the sent emails will be posted at the beginning and end of the posts. Thank you.